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On Windows®, instances of WinHostProcessInstance are used instead of HostProcessInstance. These topology objects extend HostProcessInstance with a few more details that can be captured on Windows platforms.
The full command line used to launch the executable.
The time the process instance was created.
The full path to the executable.
This section describes regular expression basics and gives hands-on examples. For more details, see these topics:
A regular expression is a sequence of characters used to describe text ranges, patterns, and various kinds of special conditions. Regular expressions are supported in many programming languages, including Java® and Groovy, the core languages that Foglight uses.
The syntax of Groovy regular expressions comes from Java, so the syntax of Java and Groovy regular expressions is the same.
Regular expressions can be found in many parts of Foglight. For example, credential mappings use the regular expression syntax to select the hosts accessible with a specific credential.
The Excluded Drives property of the WindowsAgent is another example of a regular expression usage in Foglight.
In addition, regular expressions can be found in LogFilter expressions, FxV Hit Analysis, and other parts of Foglight.
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