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General Data about the database.
Azure SQL
Realtime Collection
Service Tier
The service tier for the database or data warehouse.
Service Tier Type
Purchase model. Can be DTU-based or vCore-based.
Pricing Tier
The pricing tier of the database.
Elastic Pool Name
The name of the elastic pool that the database belongs to.
Product Version
Version of the Azure SQL Database.
Product Level
Level of the version of the Azure SQL Database.
Name of the default collation for the server.
Azure SQL DB version.
Collection of average CPU, I/O, and memory consumption for an Azure SQL Database.
Sample Time
UTC time indicates the end of the reporting interval.
Avg CPU (%)
Average compute utilization in percentage of the limit of the service tier.
Avg Data IO (%)
Average data I/O utilization in percentage of the limit of the service tier.
Avg Log Write (%)
Average write I/O throughput utilization as percentage of the limit of the service tier.
Avg Memory Usage (%)
Average memory utilization in percentage of the limit of the service tier.
This includes memory used for storage of In-Memory OLTP objects.
Avg DTU (%)
Average DTU consumption in terms of a percentage of the maximum allowed DTU limit in the performance level for the user database.
Max DTU (%)
Maximum DTU consumption in terms of a percentage of the maximum allowed DTU limit in the performance level for the user database.
Max Workers (%)
Maximum concurrent workers (requests) in percentage of the limit of the database's service tier.
Max Session (%)
Maximum concurrent sessions in percentage of the limit of the database's service tier.
XTP Storage Utilization (%)
Storage utilization for In-Memory OLTP in percentage of the limit of the service tier. This includes memory used for storage of the following In-Memory OLTP objects: memory-optimized tables, indexes, and table variables. It also includes memory used for processing ALTER TABLE operations. 0 if In-Memory OLTP is not used.
Number of samples.
DTU Limit
Current max database DTU setting for this database during this interval. NULL if database using the vCore-based model.
CPU Limit
Number of vCores for this database during this interval. NULL if database using the DTU-based model.
Collects Database wait events grouped into resource categories.
Wait Type
Name of the wait type.
Wait Time
Total wait time for this wait type in milliseconds.
Collects and gather aggregated information about recent state of sessions connected to the Azure SQL DB.
Total Connections
This shows the total number of Azure SQL DB sessions. It includes user and system sessions.
Blocked Sessions
The total number of blocked sessions.
User Connections
This shows the number of Azure SQL DB user (non-system) sessions.
System Connections
The number of Azure SQL DB system sessions.
User Active Connections
The number of non-system sessions that are actively processing in Azure SQL DB or that are waiting on locks.
Number of total client machines.
All Active Sessions
The number of all Azure SQL DB active connections.
Lead Blockers
The total number of lead blocker sessions.
User Inactive Sessions
The number of non-system sessions that are not actively processing in Azure SQL DB.
Foreground Sessions
The number of foreground sessions.
Background Sessions
The number of background sessions.
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