
Essentials for Office 365 2.12 - User Guide

Connecting to SharePoint Site or Site Collections Copyright Tool Overview
General Tool Configuration Profile Manager Proxy Mode Azure Turbo and CSOM Creating User Mapping Creating User and Template Reports Support and Troubleshooting Activation Modes of Migration
Home Tab Migration Analysis Tab Migrator Tab
Interface Connect to Resources Copy Sites Live Compare Hyper Mode Classic Mode Copy Alerts Orphaned Users Copy In-Place Tagging of SharePoint Items Incremental/Delta Copy Forms Migration Workflow Migration Save Site to XML
File Manager Tab Drives Tab
Interface Overview Migration Job Structure Connecting to Resources Copy Google Drive Copy File Share Copy My Sites to OneDrive for Business Copy Tenant Copy Box Copy Dropbox Nintex Deployment
Post Migration Compare Security Manager Tab Term Store Manager Tab Administrator Tab Backup Tab
Interface Overview Backup Job Structure Advanced Search Retention Policies Storage for Backup Import/Export Backup Archives Connecting to SharePoint and OneDrive for Business Connecting to Cloud Storage Hyper vs Classic Backup Setup Hyper SharePoint Online Backup Hyper OneDrive Backup Hyper Office 365 Groups Backup Smart Backup Classic SharePoint Online Backup Classic OneDrive Backup Classic Office365 Groups Backup Classic Mailbox Backup Change Properties for Backup Admin Management Scheduling Backup Jobs Backup Project Conversion
Help Tab View Tab Architect Tab Public Folders for SharePoint Tab Scripts Troubleshooting Appendix About

Credentials Parameters

The following are parameters for the -cmd Credentials command

-srcuser [user]

source site user name

-srcpass [password]

source site password

-srcepass [password]

source site encrypted password

-srcdomain [domain]

source site domain

-srchost [host]

source site host

-srcport [port]

source site port


use proxy to source site

-trgtuser [name]

target site user name

-trgtpass [password]

target site password

-trgtepass [password]

target site encrypted password

-trgtdomain [domain]

target site domain

-trgthost [host]

target site host

-trgtport [port]

target site port


use proxy to target site

ConnectToSite Parameters

The following are parameters for the -cmd ConnectToSite command

-projectName [project]

specifies a name for this new project.


specifies the type of project. Options include:
SP_SITE - SharePoint Site

SP_FARM - SharePoint Farm

OFFICE_365_TENANT - Office 365 Tenant

ONE_DRIVE - OneDrive for Business

OFFICE_365_SITES - Office 365 Sites


specifies what options to include with the initial project connection.  Options include:                                                          FirstLevelSubSites - list of sub-sites only AllSubSitesWithoutObjects - all sub-sites but no lists (slower)AllSubSitesAndObjects - all sub-sites and their lists (slowest)

SubsitesHierarchy - list of sub-site heirarchy

NoObjectsNoSubsites - list of sites, no subsites or lists

RefreshSite - refresh the site


alternative mapping URL(with port) for farm web application, or "office365" for Office 365 Tenant or "onedrive" for OneDrive for Business project.


Essentials -cmd connecttosite -srcsite http://host/site -srcuser user@mv.com -srcepass password -projectName "mySite" -projectType SP_SITE -kindOfDownload FirstLevelSubsites

CopyList Parameter

The following are parameters for the -cmd CopyList command


do not copy list content types


copy list content


copy list history


overwrite the lists behavior on the target


copy list permissions


copy hidden fields


copy document ID property


update membership of the groups during permissions migration


copy list views


copy list templates

-usermapping [path]

path to the CSV file with user mapping to the copy operation

-webpartsfile [path]

path to the CSV file with webparts to be removed from the page

-templatemapping [path]

path to the CSV file with templates mapping


copy workflows


copy InfoPath forms

-mapping [template.mvmap]

mapping template file



Essentials -cmd copylist -srcsite http://host/site -srclist DocLib -srcuser DOMAIN\user -srcpass passwd -trgtsite http://host/site2 -trgtlist DocLib2 -trgtuser DOMAIN\user -trgtpass passwd -copylistcontent -copylisthistory -copylistviews -copylisttemplates -usermapping path/file.csv -templatemapping path/file.csv -log output.log

CopySite Parameters

The following are parameters for the -cmd CopySite command


copy site as new site

-asnewsitecollection [url]

copy site as new site collection


copy site with subsites


copy site permissions


copy site groups


copy site webparts


copy site collection features


copy site features


copy all content types


copy all lists


copy list content


copy list history


overwrite sites behavior on the target


copy list permissions


copy list views


copy list templates

-rootname [name]

new name for the target site

-copythreads [number]

number of parallel threads for copy

-usermapping [path]

path to the CSV file with user mapping to the copy operation

-templatemapping [path]

path to the CSV file with templates mapping

-centraladminurl [url]

URL of Central Administration

-farmadmin [user]

farm admin user name

-farmadminpassword [password]

farm admin password

-farmadminepassword [password]

farm admin encrypted password


copy page layouts gallery


copy master page gallery


copy look&feel options:


all copy - all following pages

title - copy title, description, icon

navigation - copy navigation

treeview - copy tree view

sitetheme - copy site theme

linkbar - copy top link bar

launch - copy quick launch

layouts - copy layouts and site templates

master - copy master settings

welcome - copy welcome page


copy Sharepoint designer objects


copy site home page


copy site workflows


copy workflows


copy InfoPath forms



Essentials -cmd copysite -srcsite http://host/site -trgtsite http://host/site2 -rootname newsite -asnewsite -copysubsites -copypermissions -copywebparts -copycollectionfeatures -copyfeatures -copycontenttypes -copylists -copylistcontent -copylisthistory -copylistpermissions -copylistviews -copylisttemplates -usermapping path/file.csv -templatemapping path/file.csv -log output.log


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