Reset Cloud Requests
Use this menu item to reset requests sent by erwin Cloud platform (see Running DT from Cloud Platform).
If DT Windows Services are forced to stop, or in the case of a severe internal error, sequences may enter an inconsistent state which could stop other jobs from being executed. In such a case, the administrator may use the “Reset Cloud Requests” item in the “Tools” menu, or request for “RESET CLOUD REQUESTS” job by cloud.
Users, Roles and Security
DT interacts with CM contents – models, objects and so on – through the same logic and application components that Corporate Modeler and Evolve rely on.
Normal authentication is the only fully supported option.
Windows Authentication is not supported in DT, as it is not suitable for batch job execution.
General rules about security, authentication and authorization are:
•Users’ logon is performed using their CM userid/password, provided that a valid DT license has been installed.
•Once logged on, users can define model configurations, and associated workflows, only for models which have been granted through Corporate Modeler Administration.
•When a user defines a model configuration, users’ credentials of related CM Adapters (created automatically for data export/import on that model) are encrypted and stored in the CC internal database. This is needed in order to be available when workflows using those adapters are executed in a batch mode (which “Test workflow” simulates).
This means that CM Users actually executing the operation are the person that configured and saved the associated model configuration. If the user has to be changed, the new user must log on to DT, and save the configuration, in order to bind their CM credentials to it; the workflows will be automatically updated.
•Read/write/delete operations on object type instances will be executed within the same user’s rights scope existing in model. This means that they are impacted by general and specific grants on model and object type, by the status of the object (for instance, Frozen level) and property type configuration (Read Only properties will be not updated).
When requested, these operations will be executed, if possible, or a log will be produced, containing details about what prevented the operation to be finalized.
Troubleshooting Information
DT creates and uses some specific paths/folder during the execution of client configurations or scheduled operations. Main folders and files are explained in the following paragraphs.
Installation Path
The installation path is by default:
C:\Program Files (x86)\erwin\Data Transformation
•Configuration files:
containing the DT database connection string
•External libraries
performs import/export CM models operations
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