Deletes only the data files on an existing Rapid Data Access containers (OST/RDS type containers) in a DR Series system (and leaves the container intact).
container --delete_files --name acme99
Error: Connection needs to be disabled first.
Displays the list of container-related options that can be used as a reference when using the DR Series system CLI.
container --show [--name <name>]
container --add --name <name>
container --delete --name <name>
container --marker [--enable <Auto | CommVault | Networker | TSM | ARCserve | HP_DataProtector | Unix_Dump | BridgeHead>]
[--disable <Auto | CommVault | Networker | TSM | ARCserve | HP_DataProtector | Unix_Dump | BridgeHead>]
--name <name>
container --delete_files --name <name>
container --help
container <command> <command-arguments>
<command> can be one of:
--show Displays the current list of containers.
--add Adds a new container.
--delete Deletes an existing container.
--marker Enables/Disables marker for an existing container.
--delete_files Deletes the files in the container.
For command-specific help, please type container --help <command>
For example:
container --help show
The VTL commands allow you to manage the virtual tape library (VTL) containers you have created for your system, including the ability to create additional tapes for your libraries, set drives to read/write, or activate and deactivate replica VTLs.
This topic introduces the DR Series system CLI commands that allow you to manage the virtual tape library (VTL) containers you have created for your system, which include:
- vtl --show [options]
- vtl --update_carts [options]
- vtl --activate --name [options]
- vtl --deactivate --name
- vtl --rescan --name [options]
- vtl --set_rw [options]
- vtl --show_replstate --name
- vtl --help