• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
This command returns true if Hyper-V is refreshing.
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
This command returns true if any inventory entity is refreshing.
--------------------EXAMPLE 3--------------------
Get-Job [[‑StartTime] [<String>]] [[‑EndTime] [<String>]] [[‑JobState] [<String>]] [[‑JobTemplateIDs] [<String>]] [<CommonParameters>]
• JobTemplateIDs [<String>]: Job template IDs for which to retrieve jobs. Separate multiple IDs with commas.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
This command returns jobs in all states.
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
This command returns all running jobs.
--------------------EXAMPLE 3--------------------
This command returns completed jobs that started during the specified time span.
--------------------EXAMPLE 4--------------------
This command returns jobs based on the specified template ID.
Get-JobTemplate [[‑Type] <String>] [[‑InventoryIds] <String[]>] [[‑Thin] <Boolean>] [[‑ID] <String>] [‑VersionID] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
• InventoryIds [<String>]: The inventory nodes’ virtualization object ref IDs. Separate multiple IDs with commas.
• Thin [<Boolean>]: Whether to return a thin version of job templates. Returning thin objects can speed up commands and avoid performance-related errors. By default, full objects are returned.
• <CommonParameters>: This cmdlet supports the common parameters: ‑Verbose, ‑Debug, ‑ErrorAction, ‑ErrorVariable, and ‑OutVariable. For more information, type: "get-help about_commonparameters"--------------------EXAMPLE 1--------------------
This command gets a list of all job templates.
--------------------EXAMPLE 2--------------------
This command gets a list of all backup jobs.
--------------------EXAMPLE 3--------------------
This command returns backup job templates in the specified inventories.
Displays the vRanger Windows® error events.
Get-MonitorLog [[‑EventId] <Int32>] [[‑StartDateTime] <DateTime>] [[‑EndDateTime] <DateTime>] [‑Verbose] [‑Debug] [‑ErrorAction <ActionPreference>] [‑WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [‑ErrorVariable <String>] [‑WarningVariable <String>] [‑OutVariable <String>] [‑OutBuffer <Int32>] [‑WhatIf] [‑Confirm]
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