
Rapid Recovery 6.10 - User Guide

Introduction to Rapid Recovery The Core Console Repositories Core settings Protecting machines
About protecting machines with Rapid Recovery Understanding the Rapid Recovery Agent software installer Deploying Agent to multiple machines simultaneously from the Core Console Using the Deploy Agent Software Wizard to deploy to one or more machines Modifying deploy settings Understanding protection schedules Protecting a machine About protecting multiple machines Enabling application support Settings and functions for protected Exchange servers Settings and functions for protected SQL servers
Managing protected machines Snapshots and recovery points Managing privacy Encryption Authentication Replication Events Reporting VM export Restoring data Bare metal restore
About bare metal restore Differences in bare metal restore for Windows and Linux machines Understanding boot CD creation for Windows machines Managing a Linux boot image Performing a bare metal restore using the Restore Machine Wizard Using the Universal Recovery Console for a BMR Performing a bare metal restore for Linux machines Verifying a bare metal restore
Managing aging data Archiving Cloud accounts Core Console references REST APIs Glossary

MountingUnmounting a Repository

Complete the steps in this procedure to mount a repository.

  1. Navigate to the Rapid Recovery Core Console.
  2. On the icon bar, click [More] 
    (More), and then select Repositories.

    The Repositories page is displayed.

  3. In the appropriate repositories summary table, from the row representing the repository you want to mount, click [More] 
    (More options) to expand the drop-down menu, and then select Mount.
  4. Click Yes to confirm the mounting of the repository.

To unmount the repository, ensure that the DVM repository is already mounted. Complete the following steps:

  1. In the appropriate repositories summary table, from the row representing the repository you want to unmount, click [More] 
    (More options) to expand the drop-down menu, and then select Unmount.

    A confirmation window displays.

  2. Click Yes to unmount the selected repository from the DVM.


Migrating a protected machine

This option allows you to easily move agents from one repository to another without stopping protection and without having to archive and re-import. Complete following the steps in this procedure to migrate a protected machine between DVM repositories.

  1. Navigate to the Rapid Recovery Core Console.
  2. On the icon bar, click [More] 
    (More), and then select Repositories.

    The Repositories page is displayed.


    From the Rapid Recovery Core Console button bar, click the [Restore]Restore dropdown menu, and then select [VM Export]Migrate Protected Machine.

    The Repositories page is displayed.

  3. In the appropriate repositories summary table, from the row representing the repository, click [More] 
    (More options) to expand the drop-down menu, and then select Migrate Protected Machine.

    The Migrate Machine Wizard displays.

  4. Select the repository from the available list of repositories where the protected data is stored and click Next.
  5. In the Machines wizard select the machine and the protection applicable on the machine to migrate to the another repository. Click Next.
  6. In the Target Repository wizard, select the repository for storing the migrated protected data.
  7. Click Finish to start the migration process.

You can monitor the migration progress in the Monitor Active Task wizard. You may execute the migration process in the background.

Core settings

This section describes how to manage and change the settings for your Rapid Recovery Core, and describes key function buttons and tools available from the Core console.

The Rapid Recovery Core has adjustable settings that are configured by default for optimum performance for most users. These settings affect display information in the Core Console or performance of the Rapid Recovery Core. From the icon bar, click [Settings] (Settings) to access Core settings.

A set of key functions are shown as buttons on the top of the page horizontally. To access one of these functions, click the corresponding button. For more information about these buttons, see Core settings key functions.

Below the key function buttons are the configurable Core settings. To see all configuration options for any of setting, click a shortcut link on the left side of the Settings pane, or scroll down the right side of the page. For more information about the full set of Core settings, see Rapid Recovery Core settings.

You can also access Core tools such as viewing a summary of system information, or downloading Core log files. For more information, see Core-level tools.

Topics include:

Core settings key functions

A set of key functions are shown as buttons arranged horizontally at the top of the [Settings] 
    (Settings) page. To access one of these functions, click the corresponding button.

The function buttons accessible on the Settings page are described in the following table.

Table 17: Core settings key functions
Icon Key Function Button Description
[Back up Core settings] Back Up Settings Backs up Core configuration settings to an XML file you name. Specify a fully qualified path local to the Core server.
[Restore Core settings] Restore Settings If you have a backup XML file of your Core settings, this option lets you specify the name and local path of the file, from which you restore Core settings. Use this function to restore Core settings, or to migrate from another Core. Optionally, you can also restore repositories.
[Restart Core service] Restart Core Service This option gracefully shuts down and then starts the Core service.
[Shut down Core service] Shut Down Core Service This option gracefully shuts down the Core service.

For more information about backing up and restoring Core settings, see Backing up and restoring Core settings.

For more information about shutting down and restarting the Core service, see Restarting or shutting down the Core service.


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