See Adding, editing, and deleting organizations.
If the Organization component is not enabled on your appliance, see Configure appliance General Settings without the Organization component.
1. |
a. |
Log in to the appliance Administrator Console, https://appliance_hostname/admin. Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information. |
b. |
On the left navigation bar, click Settings. On the Control Panel, under the General Settings section, click Customize General Configurations link to display the General Settings page. |
2. |
Last Updated and Organization Name |
(Read-only) The date the information was changed and the name of the organization. Organization Name can be edited at the System level. See Add or edit organizations. |
Enter the domain from which your users send email. For example: |
3. |
Select the locale to use for the selected organization’s Administrator Console and User Console. If you have multiple organizations, you can select different locales for each one. See: |
4. |
Optional: In the Samba Share Settings section, select file sharing options then click Save Samba Settings. If File Shares are disabled, you need to enable them at the System level before you can enable them for the organization. See Configure security settings for the appliance. |
5. |
In the Ignore Client IP Address Settings section, enter the IP address or addresses to ignore. Separate each address with a comma. Ignoring IP addresses is useful when multiple devices could report themselves with the same IP address, such as a proxy address. |
6. |
In the License Usage Warning Configurations section, select the percentage to use for the warning threshold and critical threshold for software license usage. If you have configured software License assets, threshold information is displayed on the license-related widgets on the Dashboard |
7. |
8. |
In the Asset Archive section, type the number of days that you want to keep the assets marked for archiving, before actually archiving them. The default value is 3 days. |
9. |
a. |
b. |
In the Archive Tag field, type a label that you want to associate with the state of archived users. For example, Archived or Inactive. |
c. |
Indicate if you want to maintain Service Desk ticket and asset associations with archived users. Set each of the Ticket Associations and Asset Associations fields to one of the following options: |
▪ |
Maintain Users: Select this option if you want to continue to associate tickets or assets with archived users. If you select this option, the configured Archive Tag appears next to the archived user name, to indicate that the user is no longer active. |
▪ |
Remove Users: Select this option if you want to remove all ticket or asset associations with archived users. |
10. |
In the Device Assignment section, indicate how you want to match users with devices: One-time sync, Continuous sync, or Disabled. |
11. |
Device Actions are scripted actions that can be performed on managed devices. There are several pre-programmed actions available. To add your own action, select Custom Action in the Action menu, then enter the command in the Command Line text box.
The following variables are available for device actions:
When device actions run, the appliance replaces variables with their appropriate values.
NOTE: Most actions in the Action drop-down list require you to install additional applications for them to function. For example, using DameWare requires you to install TightVNC on your device as well as on the device you want to access. |
When you initiate device through the agent, the action executable must be placed in your %PATH%. The agent is 32-bit, so on 64-bit Windows devices, use %windir%/System32 as an alias to the %windir%/Wow64 directory. If you need to run a program that's located in the %windir%/System32 directory on a 64-bit Windows system, you must use the %windir%/SysNative virtual directory. You can either add %windir%/SysNative to your %PATH% environment variable or provide a fully-qualified path by prepending %windir%/SysNative to your executable when defining your machine action.
12. |
In the Patch Schedule section, if you want disable administrators to apply patches to all devices, select the Hide All Devices check box. |
13. |
In the Allowed Bulk Actions section, indicate if you want to enable bulk actions against KACE Cloud Mobile Device Manager (MDM) and VMware virtual machine devices. When bulk actions are enabled, the associated KACE Cloud MDM and VMware virtual machine commands become available from the Choose Action menu on the Devices list page. |
Select this check box to enable commands against multiple KACE Cloud MDM devices on the Devices list page. | |
Select this check box to enable commands against multiple VMware or Hyper-V virtual machine devices on the Devices list page. | |
Select this check box to enable commands against multiple Chrome OS devices on the Devices list page. | |
Select this check box to enable the restart command against multiple devices on the Devices list page. | |
Select this check box to enable Microsoft Defender commands against multiple devices on the Devices list page. |
14. |
To use custom Administrator Console, User Console, report, and KACE Agent alert logos and background colors, in the Login Screen Options sections, provide the following information. |
You can access the appliance from the following levels:
When you select an organization in the Administrator Console, you can specify a different background color of the Administrator Console and User Console login screens. Any colors specified on the organization level override system-level settings. For information on how to configure system-level settings, see Configure appliance General Settings with the Organization component enabled. Click and use the color chooser to specify the color that you want to appear in the background of the login screen. You can select the color using the mouse, or specify the RGB values, as needed. When you close the color chooser, the HTML Color Code field on the right displays the HTML code of the selected color. To undo your selection, click Reset and start over. | |||||||
In each applicable section, click Choose File, and specify the graphic file that you want to use as the custom logo in the Administrator Console, User Console, system-generated reports, and in KACE Agent alert that appear on managed devices. The supported graphic file formats are .bmp, .gif, .jpg, and .png with the exception of KACE Agent alerts that only support .bmp files. Any logos configured on the organization level override system-level settings. To see default KACE Agent alerts and sample customized versions, refer to the following illustrations. For examples of default and custom logos in the Administrator Console, User Console, and system-level reports, see Configure appliance General Settings with the Organization component enabled. |
15. |
If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, see Configure Admin-level or organization-specific General Settings.
1. |
a. |
b. |
c. |
On the ControlPanel, click Customize General Configurations link under the General Settings section to display the General Settings page. |
2. |
Read-only: The date the information was changed and the name of the organization. | |
Enter the domain from which your users send email. For example: | |
Set the number of inactive hours to allow before closing user sessions and requiring users to log in again. The default is 1. The User Console and Administrator Console have Timeout Session counters to alert users of this time limit. Only periods of inactivity are counted. The counter restarts when the user performs any action that causes the console to interact with the appliance server, such as refreshing a window, saving changes, and changing windows. When the counter reaches the limit, the user is logged out, unsaved changes are lost, and the login screen appears. The Timeout Session counter appears in the upper right of each console. |
3. |
A file-size filter for the organization's Client Drop location. The Client Drop location is a storage area (Samba share) for the organization on the appliance. This storage area is used to upload large files, such as application installers and appliance backup files, to the appliance. Uploading files to the Client Drop location is an alternative to uploading files through the Administrator Console using the default HTTP mechanism, which can result in browser timeouts for large files. The Client Drop Size filter determines whether files uploaded to the organization's Client Drop location are displayed on the Upload and Associate Client Drop File list on the Software Detail page. For example, if the Client Drop Size filter is set to 1 GB, the Upload and Associate Client Drop File list shows files that are 1 GB in size or larger. Files that are less than 1 GB in size are not displayed on the list. Application files are moved from the organization's Client Drop location to the appropriate area when the file is selected on the Software Detail page and saved. Appliance backup files that are placed in the Client Drop location are automatically identified as appliance backup files, and they become available for selection on the Backup Settings page within five minutes. See Copy files to the appliance Client Drop location. |
4. |
The heading that appears on the User Console login page. The User Console is the web-based interface that makes applications available to users on a self-service basis. It also enables users to file Service Desk support tickets to request help or report issues. To access the User Console, go to http://<appliance_hostname>/user where <appliance_hostname> is the hostname of your appliance. | |
A welcome note or description of the User Console. This text appears below the title on the User Console login page. |
5. |
Enable the appliance to display your policy, and require users to accept the terms of your policy, when they access the Administrator Console, User Console, or Command Line Console, or log in using SSH or FTP. | |
The heading of the policy to be displayed on the login page of the User Console. | |
Details of the policy, which are displayed below the Title on the login page. Users must agree to the terms of the policy before they can log in to the User Console. |
6. |
In the Log Retention section, select the number of days to retain log information. Log entries that are older than the selected number of days are automatically deleted from the log. See Access appliance logs to view Microsoft Exchange Server errors. |
7. |
In the User Notification Retention section, select the number of days to retain user notification. Any user notifications that are older than the selected number of days are automatically deleted from the Notifications pane. See Configure user notifications. |
8. |
(Recommended) Share summary information with Quest. This information includes appliance status, uptime, and load averages, as well as the number of devices, Managed Installations, and applications being managed by the appliance. This option is recommended because it provides additional information to Quest Support if you need assistance. In addition, data shared with Quest is used when planning product enhancements. | |
(Recommended) Share detailed information with Quest and share anonymous information with This information includes Agent and appliance crash reports, user interface usage statistics, and inventory information, such as application titles. Quest uses this information to help improve the Software Catalog, and ITNinja uses anonymous data to identify relevant content on for dynamic feeds to the appliance Administrator Console. is a community website where IT professionals can share information and research on a wide variety of systems management and deployment topics. The ITNinja feed is a feature that dynamically displays software deployment tips and other contextual information on relevant pages in the appliance Administrator Console. To enable the ITNinja feed, you need to select Share detailed Usage data.... This setting shares information anonymously with ITNinja. The ITNinja feed is available only if Share Summary Usage Data... is selected, and it is available only on pages related to software deployment, such as the software, Managed Installation, and File Synchronization detail pages. The feed is not available on the Software Catalog detail page. | |
9. |
In the Locale Settings section, specify locale preferences. These preferences determine the formats used for date and time information displayed in the Administrator Console. |
The locale to use for the organization’s Administrator Console and User Console. | |
Command Line Console Locale |
The locale to use in the Command Line Console, which uses the konfig user account. |
10. |
In the Ignore Client IP Address Settings section, enter the IP address or addresses to ignore. Separate each address with a comma. Ignoring IP addresses is useful when multiple devices could report themselves with the same IP address, such as a proxy address. |
11. |
In the License Usage Warning Configurations section, select the percentage to use for the warning threshold and critical threshold for software license usage. If you have configured software License assets, threshold information is displayed on the license-related widgets on the Dashboard. |
12. |
In the Update Reporting User Password section, provide the password of the account required to run reports on the organization. You cannot change the Database Name or the Report Username. |
13. |
In the Data Retention section, select the options for retaining data on the appliance. You can retain this data for a specified number of months, Forever, or never save it (Disabled). |
The amount of uptime data to save for devices. Device uptime data refers to the number of hours of each day that your managed devices are running. You can retain this data for a specified number of months, Forever, or never save it (Disabled). | |||
The number of months that metering data is retained in the appliance database. Metering data is information about how applications are installed and used on the Windows and Mac devices that you manage. Metering data that is older than the selected number of months is deleted on the first day of every month. See About metering information. | |||
Whether or not to retain information about Uncataloged applications in the appliance database. Uncataloged applications are executables that are in the appliance inventory but that do not appear in the Software Catalog, and the appliance retains information about those applications by default. For organizations with a large number of managed devices, however, retaining this data might greatly increase the size of the database. This could increase the time it takes to load pages in the Administrator Console and the time it takes to perform database backups. If data retention for Uncataloged software is disabled:
14. |
Device Actions are scripted actions that can be performed on managed devices. There are several pre-programmed actions available. To add your own action, select Custom Action in the Action menu, then enter the command in the Command Line text box.
The following variables are available for device actions:
When device actions run, the appliance replaces variables with their appropriate values.
NOTE: Most actions in the Action drop-down list require you to install additional applications for them to function. For example, using DameWare requires you to install TightVNC on your device as well as on the device you want to access. |
When you initiate device through the agent, the action executable must be placed in your %PATH%. The agent is 32-bit, so on 64-bit Windows devices, use %windir%/System32 as an alias to the %windir%/Wow64 directory. If you need to run a program that's located in the %windir%/System32 directory on a 64-bit Windows system, you must use the %windir%/SysNative virtual directory. You can either add %windir%/SysNative to your %PATH% environment variable or provide a fully-qualified path by prepending %windir%/SysNative to your executable when defining your machine action.
15. |
To use custom Administrator Console, User Console, report, and KACE Agent alert logos and background colors, in the Login Screen Options sections, provide the following information. |
You can access the appliance from the following levels:
When you select an organization in the Administrator Console, you can specify a different background color of the Administrator Console and User Console login screens. Any colors specified on the organization level override system-level settings. For information on how to configure system-level settings, see Configure appliance General Settings with the Organization component enabled. Click and use the color chooser to specify the color that you want to appear in the background of the login screen. You can select the color using the mouse, or specify the RGB values, as needed. When you close the color chooser, the HTML Color Code field on the right displays the HTML code of the selected color. To undo your selection, click Reset and start over. | |||||||
In each applicable section, click Choose File, and specify the graphic file that you want to use as the custom logo in the Administrator Console, User Console, system-generated reports, and in KACE Agent alert that appear on managed devices. The supported graphic file formats are .bmp, .gif, .jpg, and .png with the exception of KACE Agent alerts that only support .bmp files. Any logos configured on the organization level override system-level settings. To see default KACE Agent alerts and sample customized versions, refer to the following illustrations. For examples of default and custom logos in the Administrator Console, User Console, and system-level reports, see Configure appliance General Settings with the Organization component enabled. |
16. |
If you manage Lenovo devices, you can retrieve their warranty information. To do that, in the Manufacturer Warranty API Keys section, provide the Lenovo API keys to obtain the warranty data. Lenovo requires only a key. These values are stored encrypted in the database. |
17. |
Configure appliance date and time settings in the Settings section of the Administrator Console. If the Organization component is enabled on your appliance, date and time settings are available at the System level.
1. |
◦ |
If the Organization component is not enabled on the appliance, log in to the appliance Administrator Console, https://appliance_hostname/admin, then select Settings > Control Panel. |
◦ |
If the Organization component is enabled on the appliance, log in to the appliance System Administration Console, https://appliance_hostname/system, or select System in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page, then select Settings > Control Panel. |
2. |
| |||||
Use an Internet time server to set the appliance time. Enter the web address of the time server in the text box. For example: |
4. |
User notifications on the appliance alert you about specific events that require your attention.
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