This release of SharePlex Manager includes the following new features and enhancements.
Support for Foglight 6.1
Support for SharePlex 10.x, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, and 12.0
Support for Windows Server 2019 and 2022
Support for CentOS Linux 8.x
Support for Oracle Linux 8.x
Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x
Limitation: In the current release, SharePlex Manager does not support RHEL 8.9, CentOS Linux 8.9, and Oracle Linux 8.9.
The following is a list of issues known to exist at the time of this release.
Known Issue | Defect ID |
If the same SharePlex instance belongs to more than one stream, it will be listed multiple times in the Instance field drop-down list in the Parameter console (once for each stream it belongs to). Also, if the same instance acts as both a Source and Target, it will be listed twice: one entry will be the source entry that when selected will show the source modules; the other entry will be the target entry that when selected will show the target parameter modules. This means that to set the same value for Import, Export, or Post process parameters for a SharePlex instance in all the streams it is a part of, you must set that parameter in each stream separately using the “ALL” setting in the Queue Name field. |
57320 |
Supplemental logging must be ON or else activating configuration will fail with wrongly worded "A bad configuration file." | 87972 |
SharePlex Manager must be installed on a Foglight 6.1 Management Server (FMS) and requires that SharePlex be installed on all the hosts that you want to monitor.
Note: To learn more about the system requirements for Foglight, refer to the Foglight System Requirements and Platform Support Guide.
Requirement | Details |
4-way 2.4 GHz CPUs - one of the following:
4 GB in total:
Storage |
If using built-in embedded database repository:
If using external database repository:
Operating System | Version | OS Architecture | 32-bit | 64-bit |
CentOS Linux | 7.x and 8.x* | x86-64 | ||
Microsoft Windows | Server 2019 and 2022 | x86-64 | ||
Microsoft Windows | Server 2016 | x86-64 | ||
Oracle Linux | 7.x and 8.x* | x86-64 | ||
Red Hat Enterprise Linux | 7.x and 8.x* | x86-64 |
Table Notes:
On 64-bit RPM-based Linux platforms, the 32-bit version of libgcc*.rpm must be installed for the installer and Management Server to run.
*Limitation: In the current release, SharePlex Manager does not support RHEL 8.9, CentOS Linux 8.9, and Oracle Linux 8.9.
SharePlex Manager can be used with the following versions of SharePlex:
High availability for SharePlex Manager is supported in SharePlex 10.0 and later as follows:
Quest SharePlex Manager is available with the purchase of Quest SharePlex. The current license model for SharePlex is to license for a specific host which, depending on edition, is licensed by core(s) or socket(s) and specific message repository (i.e. database, JMS/text files) etc. Specifics of license terms should be obtained from your account manager. To activate a SharePlex license, see the SharePlex Release Notes.
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