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Audit events are the changes captured by agents, reported to a coordinator, and then written to the database. These events can be retrieved and viewed through searches. When you run a search, Change Auditor searches the events in the database for the desired results. The results are then displayed in the Search Results page.
The terms ‘searches’ and ‘reports’ are used in conjunction to acquire the desired output. You run a 'search' and the results returned is a ‘report’.
Auditing and centralizing the collection of events is only one part of the total control and output required for enterprise security and compliance. It is equally important to be able to retrieve the real-time data and sort through it quickly and efficiently.
A new results page is created whenever a search is run. When a search is run, this page displays detailed information about the events found as a result of the search. This page consists of the following panes:
The Search Results grid displays the events captured as a result of running a search from the Searches page. The top area of the grid displays the following information:
By default, the grid contains the following information about the events returned when a search is run. (You can specify the columns, sort order and grouping for a search, as well as the display format by using the Layout search properties tab.)
Displays what change was made to the object.
AD Failure Reason
Displays the reason for the Active Directory failed event.
AD Failure Status Code
Displays the failure code for the Active Directory failed event.
Coordinator ID
The coordinator that processed the event.
Displays the name of the domain to which the agented server belongs.
Displays the type of change that occurred.
Defines the event class facility to which the change event belongs.
Indicates whether the operation mentioned in the event was successfully completed. Valid states are:
Displays the name of the server where the change occurred.
Displays the severity assigned to a configuration change event:
Displays the name of the site where the agented server resides.
Defines the subsystem, or area of auditing, where the change event occurred.
Time Detected
Displays the date and time when the agent captured the event.
Displays the name of the user who initiated the change.
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