
Unified Communications Analytics 8.8.2 - Resource Kit

Using the resource kit to extract data

UC Analytics provides a resource kit to give you easier access to the data you have collected. The resource kit includes the following tools:

Using the bulk data exporter

Using a command line interface, you can use the bulk exporter to extract specific data from your UC Analytics collected data. You run the bulk exporter on the directory that hosts the Data Engine.


File path and file name of the output file


Default character is , (comma). You can specify a different delimiter character (optional)


Target entity name such as EmailMessage


Comma separated field names such as SendDate or Sender.EmailAddress.Person.Name


Comma separated field names (optional)


Filter expression (optional)


Start date (optional)


End date (optional)


Buffer size (The default value is 1000)


Number of objects (optional)


Sets the order of the results. True or false (default value is false)


Field name (optional)


Provides a complete up-to-date list of all the entities, fields, and their data types. Cannot be combined with other parameters

To see a list of all the available entities, fields and their data types, use the /ShowDataModel switch on the command line and send the output to a file. For example, you could enter the following command:

The following is a list of common entities that comprise the UC Analytics data model:

Additionally, you can retrieve the full metadata from OData (http://<server name>:1336/$metadata).

The resource kit supports obfuscated data so that you can do data analysis without revealing private data.Data obfuscation is a form of data masking where data is purposely scrambled to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive materials.

Your query can be simple or complex, depending on the depth of data that you want to extract.

In a simple example, you can extract the subject, send date, and sender name for all the email message in your database:

UC.Analytics.Insights.DataEngine.BulkDataExport.exe /Entity EmailMessage /FilePath output.csv /Fields "Subject, SendDate, Sender.EmailAddress.Person.Name"

In a more complex example, you could filter the query to include only the subject lines from email messages that were sent by Stuart Murgal as of January 1, 2015.

UC.Analytics.Insights.DataEngine.BulkDataExport.exe /Entity EmailMessage /FilePath output.csv /Filter "Sender.EmailAddress.Person.Name == \"Stuart Mughal\" "/Fields "Subject" /StartDate "2015-01-01"

In another situation, you might want to filter for multiple users in a single query. In this example, you could export the message subject lines for messages sent on a specific date by several specified senders and also see the recipients (To, CC, and BCC) for each message. In this example, the || (double pipe) means OR.

In the following example, the query is filtering message recipients (To, CC, and BCC) in a specific department (R&D-Development) who received messages from senders in a specific company (Sitraka) and office. The query defines a specific date and includes the message subject line. In this example, the && (double ampersand) means AND.

Suppose that you want to refine your query to view the recipients (To, CC, and BCC) of all messages sent on a specific day from two specific senders in a company. In this example, the query is retrieving messages sent by Anthony Jones or Maria Santos at Sitraka to recipients in your R&D-Development department. This example uses both OR (||) and AND (&&).

Why would the SendDate field be empty?

Why would some fields such as SendDate be empty?

The Send Date is affected by the types of data collections you have scheduled, the sources from which you are collecting, and by the message origins. If you only collect from the Exchange Tracking Logs data source, but do not collect from mailboxes using the Exchange Mailbox Contents data source, the Send Date may be approximate or missing for some messages. For example, the SendDate may not be set if you are not collecting all the tracking logs from all your Exchange mailbox and hub servers.

If you collect from both the Exchange Mailbox Contents and the Exchange Tracking Logs data sources, the Send Date is always set by the Mailbox Contents data collection. To always collect the exact Send Date, you must collect using both the Tracking Logs and the Mailbox Contents data sources.

If you collect only from the Exchange Tracking Logs data source, the Send Date for SMTP or inbound messages is approximate. For messages submitted through SMTP or originating from outside your Exchange organization, the Delivery Time is not calculated until the Exchange Calculation job has run.

For multi-hop message delivery, a message might appear in the tracking logs on several Exchange servers. Since the Send Date will be set by an event (StoreDriver Submit or SMTP Receive) which can appear in any one of the tracking logs, the Send Date is approximate.

Why would fields that link to Sender not be set?

Sometimes Sender and fields that follow links such as Sender.DeliveryTime are not set. Why?

The SenderDeliveryTime field is set only if senders send the message to themselves. The RecipientsDeliveryTime field is usually set.

The SenderFirstResponseTime is the duration between the receipt of the message, and the first reply to the message. So the field is mainly applicable to Recipients (rather than Sender) and is set only for messages that are collected from mailboxes using the Mailbox Contents data source (not Exchange Tracking Logs).

The SenderSendTimeofDay and SentAfterHours fields are also set only for messages collected using the Mailbox Contents data source.

If you want the sender name rather than the key, you can use Sender.EmailAddress.DisplayName field instead.

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