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This rule monitors for servers working excessively to reclaim memory. To better balance memory utilization across servers within a cluster, you can add more physical resources to a server or you can use VMotion to move a virtual machine from one server to another.
The balloon has not been growing excessively and is deflating normally.
The balloon has reached 20 percent of the server's memory over the course of the last 90 minutes and has failed to deflate to less than 5 percent over the last 15 minutes.
The balloon has reached 20 percent of the server's memory over the course of the last 90 minutes and has failed to deflate to less than 12 percent over the last 15 minutes.
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This rule compares the amount of memory that is being requested by the virtual machines on an ESX Server to the amount of memory available on the ESX Server.
If the application workload of the ESX Server is requesting an excessive amount of the available memory resources, you must either add memory to the ESX Server or use VMotion to better balance the virtual machines across the servers within the cluster.
The virtual machines on the server are requesting just 75 percent or less of the memory the server has available.
The virtual machines on the server are requesting more than 75 percent but no more than 83 percent of the memory the server has available.
The virtual machines on the server are requesting more than 83 percent but no more than 90 percent of the memory the server has available.
The virtual machines on the server are requesting more than 90 percent of the memory the server has available.
This rule monitors for situations in which an incomplete SOAP message sent to the Web services API results in a dramatic increase in CPU usage on CPU 0 within an ESX Server or VirtualCenter.
The CPU usage on CPU 0 is not greater than 95 percent.
The CPU usage on CPU 0 is greater than 95 percent.
This rule determines when the ESX Server CPU is likely to reach its capacity, based on its present growth rate.
At the present growth rate, the ESX Server CPU will not reach its capacity within 90 days.
At the present growth rate, the ESX Server CPU will reach its capacity in 90 days or less.
At the present growth rate, the ESX Server CPU will reach its capacity in 30 days or less.
At the present growth rate, the ESX Server CPU will reach its capacity in 7 days or less.
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