
Archive Manager for Files 8.6 - ArchiveWeb Guide

How to build search queries

This topic describes how to build search conditions using the keyword search and advanced search capabilities of Archive Manager for Files. A search condition (or query) can contain zero or more search clauses that are combined using operators and grouping of search clauses.

In this topic

·Simple conditions

·AND/OR operators


·Keyword search

Simple Conditions

A simple search conditions needs no search clause or can contain just one search clause.

Example 1

Click Search without adding a search clause. In this case, you will get back all the archived items.





Example 2

Add a single search clause with a condition where the field File Name contains the value "10". When you click Search, you will get back all the archived items where the File Name contains the value "10".





AND/OR operators

The AND/OR operator is used between two search clauses. With these operators, you can combine two or more search clauses. The AND operator will return a search result if both the search clauses separated by the AND operator are fulfilled. The OR operator will return a search result if any one of the search clauses separated by the OR operator are fulfilled. The AND operator has a higher priority over the OR operator. When a search condition contains both the AND and OR operators, the search clauses that are combined with the AND operator must be fulfilled first.

Example 1

To find all items where the File Name contains the value "10" AND the Folder Path contains the value "10", you must combine two search clauses as shown:  





Example 2

To find all items where the File Name contains the value "10" OR the Folder Path contains the value "10", you must combine two search clauses as shown:






Sometimes simple combinations of search clauses with the AND and OR operators are not enough. Grouping is a good solution to change the priority between the operators. The grouped search clauses have a higher priority than the operator before or after the group. The examples in this section describe how the grouping works and what is the difference between the grouped queries and queries without grouping.

Example 1

To find all items where the File Name contains the value "10" OR the Folder Path contains the value "10", and all these items must also have bigger file size than 1.5MB then the search condition is as shown:

Query: (File Name contains "10" OR Folder Path contains "10") AND File Size > 1.5MB


Result: (File Name contains "10" OR Folder Path contains "10") AND File Size > 1.5MB


We can split this search condition into two parts

1. (File Name contains "10" OR Folder Path contains "10") which is a group

2. AND File Size is bigger than 1.5MB

Since a grouping has a higher priority, the search condition in the group must be fulfilled first. In this case each item in the search result will have a File Name contains the value "10" OR the Folder Path contains the value "10", and the item must be bigger than 1.5MB.

Example 2

To find all items where the File Name contains the value "10", or the Folder Path contains the value "10" and at the item size must be bigger than 1.5MB, then the query is as shown:

Query: File Name contains "10" OR Folder Path contains "10"AND File Size > 1.5MB


Result: File Name contains "10" OR Folder Path contains "10"AND File Size > 1.5MB


This query can be split into two parts

1. File Name contains "10" OR

2. Folder Path contains "10"AND File Size > 1.5MB

The AND operator has a higher priority so the search clauses combined with the AND operator must be fulfilled first. In this case the search result will contain items where the item size must be bigger than 1.5MB and the Folder Path must contain the value "10", or the File Name should contain the value "10".

Example 3

To find all items where the File Name contains the value "10", and the Folder Path contains the value "txt" or the item size is bigger than 1.5MB, and the item Archived Date is older than 9/4/2021 then the search condition is as shown:

Query: File Name contains "10" AND (Folder Path contains "txt" OR File Size > 1.5MB) AND Archived Date < 9/4/2021"


Result: File Name contains "10" AND (Folder Path contains "txt" OR File Size > 1.5MB) AND Archived Date < 9/4/2021"


This query can be split into three parts

1. File Name contains "10" AND

2. (Folder Path contains "txt" OR File Size > 1.5MB)

3. AND Archived Date < 9/4/2021"

The grouped search clauses have the higher priority in this query so the search condition in the group must be fulfilled first. In this case the search result will contain items where the File Name must contain the value "10" + Folder Path should contain "txt", or the item size should be bigger than 1.5MB + Archived Date should be older than 9/4/2021.

Example 4

To find all items where the File Name must contain the value "10" and the Folder Path must contain the value "txt", or the item size is bigger than 1.5MB and the item Archived Date must be older than 9/4/2021 then the search query is as shown:

Query: File Name contains "10" AND Folder Path contains "txt" OR File Size > 1.5MB AND Archived Date < 9/4/2021"


Result: File Name contains "10" AND Folder Path contains "txt" OR File Size > 1.5MB AND Archived Date < 9/4/2021"


This query can be split into two parts

1. File Name contains "10" AND Folder Path contains "txt" OR

2. File Size > 1.5MB AND Archived Date < 9/4/2021"

The AND operator has a higher priority in this query so the conditions with the AND operators must be fulfilled first. In this case the search result will contain all items where File Name must contain the value "10" and the Folder Path must contain the value "txt", or the item size is bigger than 1.5MB and the item Archived Date must be older than 9/4/2021.

Example 5

To find all items where the File Name contains the value "10" or Archived Date is newer than 9/4/2021, and the item size is bigger than 1.5MB or the Folder Path contains the value "image", then the query is as shown:

Query: (File Name contains "10" OR Archived Date > 9/4/2021) AND (File Size > 1.5MB OR Folder Path contains "image")


Result: (File Name contains "10" OR Archived Date > 9/4/2021) AND (File Size > 1.5MB OR Folder Path contains "image")


This query can be split into two parts

1. (File Name contains "10" OR Archived Date > 9/4/2021) AND

2. (File Size > 1.5MB OR Folder Path contains "image")

The grouped condition has the higher priority in this query so the conditions in the group must be fulfilled first. In this case the search result will contain items where File Name should contain value "10" or Archived Date should be newer than 9/4/2021 + item size should be bigger than 1.5MB or the Folder Path should contain "image".

Example 6

To find all items where the File Name contains the value "10" or Archived Date is newer than 9/4/2021 and the item size is bigger than 1.5MB or the Folder Path contains the value "image", then query is as shown:

Query: File Name contains "10" OR Archived Date > 9/4/2021 AND File Size > 1.5MB OR Folder Path contains "image"


Result: File Name contains "10" OR Archived Date > 9/4/2021 AND File Size > 1.5MB OR Folder Path contains "image"


This query can be split into three parts

1. File Name contains "10" OR

2. Archived Date > 9/4/2021 AND File Size > 1.5MB

3. OR Folder Path contains "image"

The AND operator has a higher priority so the conditions with the AND operator must be fulfilled first. In this case the search result will contain items where File Name should contain value "10" or Archived Date must be newer than 9/4/2021 and item size must be bigger than 1.5MB or Folder Path should contain "image".

Keyword search

Keyword search provides a fast and flexible search for keywords in the file content in Metalogix Archive Manager for Files. If you leave this field empty, then the search result will show all archived files. If you enter a word or phrase in the keyword field and click Search the result of the search will show all the archived items which contains the entered word or phrase.

Example 1

You can combine keyword searches with advanced search clauses to find specific item. Keyword searches are combined with advanced search conditions with the AND operator. The search result will contain items that have the keyword and the advanced search conditions as well. To find all items where the File Content contains the word "outside" and the File Name also contains the value "10", the search query is as shown:



Result: The File Name contains the value "10", and the file content contains word "outside"


Search Results

Keyword search

When both Archive Manager for Exchange and Archive Manager for Files are installed on the same server, keyword search results are listed in separate tabs. clip0033C

Advanced search

For advanced search, the search results for a specific product are listed since advanced search uses an expanded set of search criteria with product-specific search capabilities.


When you highlight an item from the list, the details of the item is displayed in the pane below the list. The contents of the item are also displayed. If the item is an email with an attachment or a file, the contents of the attachement or file are visible only if the application to view the attachment is also installed on the server. For example, if a PDF viewer is not installed on the server, then the contents of the PDF file will not be visible.

Search Operations

Search operations are asynchronous. Every search operation is listed in the Tasks page.

When you highlight an item, select one or more items or select all items, you can choose an action from a menu to operate on the highlighted or selected item.

When Keyword search is used, keywords in the search results can be highlighted (this function is available only for Exchange search).


Edit query - redirects you to the previous search page where you can perform a new search after editing the existing query.

List view contains the following special columns:

oFolder – specifies item’s location (for Exchange search results it is mailbox folder name, for Files search results it is directory path)

List columns can be managed (show/hide) in the Columns section of the user profile (click <UserName> / Manage settings / Profile).


NOTE: For Archive Manager for Files matches can be displayed also for non-supported files such as MS Office documents and HTML. For more details see the “List view conventions” section.



Search History

Every search in ArchiveWeb is logged and displayed in the History page. Search history is stored in the search history cache separately for each logged in user who runs a search. Each search history log entry indicates the search type (Exchange, File or Keyword) and the start date and time of the search in the log entry header.

In this topic:

·Viewing the search result summary

·Viewing the search query

·Viewing the search results

·Editing the search query

·Saving the search query

·Extending search history

·Cleaning up search history


Viewing the search result summary

1.Click Search on the main menu and then click History.

2.Click ico-050-show to show the Search result summary section.


The search result summary section presents the following information

a.Started by - username of the person who ran the search.

b.Start time - date and time the search was started.

c.SID - unique search identifier.

d.End time - date and time the search was completed.

3.Click ico-055-hide to hide the Search result summary section.


Viewing the search query

1.Click Search on the main menu and then click History.

2.Click ico-050-show to show the Search query section.


The search query section presents the following information

a.Scope equals - the application data that is searched.

b.Include equals - the data set within the search scope that is included in the search.

c.Mailbox equals - the mailboxes that are included in the search.

d.SQL Query equals - SQL query that was used to search for archived items.

e.Maximum number of search results equals - the upper limit of the result set that was configured for ArchiveWeb when the search was started.

3.Click ico-055-hide to hide the Search query section.


Viewing the search results

1.Click Search on the main menu and then click History.

2.Locate the search you want to review.

3.Click ico-070-view-result to rerun the search. The search results page will open with the search results.


Editing the search query

1.Click Search on the main menu and then click History.

2.Locate the search you want to review.

3.Click ico-040-edit to edit the search query. The main search page opens where you can review and revise the search options and query.


Saving the search query

1.Click Search on the main menu and then click History.

2.Locate the search you want to review.

3.Click ico-075-save to save the search query. The Save Search As dialog opens.


4.Enter a suitable name in the Search template name field. Then click Save to save the search query as a template.


Extending search history

The search history page displays the last 10 searches by default. To customize the display limit follow the steps described below:

1. Open the C:\Program Files\Metalogix\MAMSearch\PamSearch.exe.config file.

2.Add a new section name (if it does not exist) under the <configSections> node

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>






        <section name="SearchHistory" type="System.Configuration.NameValueFileSectionHandler,System, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />


3.Create a new SearchHistory section (if it does not exist)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>






        <section name="SearchHistory" type="System.Configuration.NameValueFileSectionHandler,System, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />



        <add key="maxcount" value="20" />







4.The maxcount value can be any number between 1 and 2147483647. When this key is missing from the PamSearch.exe.config file, the default value 10 is used.


Cleaning up search history

Search history is stored SQLITE files in a cache folder. The default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Metalogix\MAMSearch\SearchCache\<userSID>\*.sqlite and the cache is periodically cleaned. To customize the search history cache retention time limit follow the steps described below:

1. Open the C:\Program Files\Metalogix\MAMSearch\PamSearch.exe.config file.

2.Add a new section name (if it does not exist) under the <configSections> node

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>






        <section name="SearchHistory" type="System.Configuration.NameValueFileSectionHandler,System, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />


3.Create a new SearchHistory section (if it does not exist)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>






        <section name="SearchHistory" type="System.Configuration.NameValueFileSectionHandler,System, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />



        <add key="timelimit" value="365.23:59:59" />







4.The timelimit format is days.hours:minutes:seconds. For example, the value 365.23:59:59 indicates that the search history entries will be stored for 365 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds.

Search Templates

When you expand the Search > Templates node, you may see a list of search templates that have been saved so far (search results can be saved from History tab as described in the “History” section).


Click on the arrow next to the template to expand the template node. Under this node you will see the link to respective search results - with the date and time when they were saved.

Clicking the search results link will display the search results in the main pane. Here you can benefit from the filtering functionality as in all ArchiveWeb lists – grouping, filtering by status (tagged, locked etc.) and creating custom filters.

The MENU link in the top right corner of the item detail pane offers additional actions for the selected item:

·Download – download the selected item.

·Restore  – restore the selected archived item to original item.

·Add tags or Remove tags – adds or removes a tag from the selected item.

·Lock/Unlock document – locks or unlocks selected item.

·Mark for deletion – marks the selected item for deletion. The item will be deleted according to the retention category in use.

·Extend retention time – increase the time for which the item cannot be deleted from the archive. Setting shorter retention than the  actual  retention  is  not supported. After the specified period (in months) the item can be deleted manually or by a Delete job if such is scheduled in respective Enterprise Manager.

·Create retention change request – send a request to the approving person for selected item deletion or increased retention time when it can't be deleted from the archive. The Approver who is the person with adequate permission in Archive Manager, will receive the request through email notification if Archive Manager SMTP is properly configured.

Templates handling

When you click on any template name under the Templates node, ArchiveWeb redirects you to the given search criteria page. It can be either Exchange, Files or Common search depending on the template. All search criteria are configured by the template. You can click Search to perform the same search with the search settings specified in this template.

On the screenshot below you can see how the template is displayed once you click its name under the Templates node. The main pane presents the usual Exchange/Files/Common search window. The only difference is the bottom part of the windows. There you see the template metadata (name, user, date of creation etc.) and action buttons:

·Search – runs search query

·Delete – deletes the template completely from the Templates node




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