The Full Text Catalog displays any full text categories in your database.
Tip: You can change how objects display in the Object Explorer. For example, you can create custom categories or move objects out of existing categories (such as Programmability and Security) in Tools | Options | Explorer | Objects. See Object Options for more information.
To create or alter a full text catalog
Tip: You can right-click a full text catalog and select Enable or Disable Full Text Catalog.
Tip: You can change how objects display in the Object Explorer. For example, you can create custom categories or move objects out of existing categories (such as Programmability and Security) in Tools | Options | Explorer | Objects. See Object Options for more information.
To create or alter a partition schema
Tip: You can select a partition function from the list or click New Partition Function to create a new one.
Tip: You can change how objects display in the Object Explorer. For example, you can create custom categories or move objects out of existing categories (such as Programmability and Security) in Tools | Options | Explorer | Objects. See Object Options for more information.
To create or alter a partition function
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