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Information Checklist
Please ensure you capture all the details needed for the Evolve Designer user to continue with the server configuration. See Appendix B – Post Install Information Checklist for details.
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Appendix A – Pre Install Components: Web Server (IIS) Features
Installation of the Web Server (IIS) Role is required prior to Evolve installation.
To install the IIS Role:
1. Navigate to the Add Roles Wizard and select the Server Roles option.
2. A list of Roles with corresponding checkboxes will display:
3. Check the Web Server (IIS) box.
4. Press the Next button
-The Web Server (IIS) role will expand to list the different features to be installed:
5. Check the related checkboxes to install the following features:
Application Development Features:
.NET Extensibility 4.7 (or above)
.NET Extensibility 3.5
ASP.NET 4.7 (or above)
ISAPI Extensions
ISAPI Filter
WebSocket Protocol (for the Diagram Editor)
Basic Authentication
Windows Authentication
Request Filtering
Performance Features
Dynamic Content Compression
Static Content Compression
Common HHTP Features:
Static Content
Default Document
Directory Browsing
HTTP Errors
HTTP Redirection
Health and Diagnostics
HTTP Logging
Appendix B – Post Install Information Checklist
In order to create an Evolve Site, the following information gained from the installation needs to be available to the Evolve Administrator:
Required for
Deployment Type
The Username and Password of a User of the web server machine that the Evolve application can run as.
This User must have Administrative rights on the web server machine.
Note: When Active Directory Authentication is used, this IIS User must be part of the domain.
ISS Configuration when Creating a Site (post installation), or during manual setup of IIS.
CW System Manager User Account
When running Dynamic Sites you must enter the details of a Casewise System Manager User.
This account is used by Evolve to access the repository.
Active Directory USer
The Username and Password for a domain user which can read the Active Directory.
Only required if Active Directory Authentication is to be used.
Active Directory connection path
The path to connect to the Active Directory.
Active Directory Social User grouP
The name of the Active Directory group used for Social Users.
Active Directory Contributor User
The name of the Active Directory group used for Contributing Users.
active directory Diagram user
The name of the Active Directory group used for Diagram Editor users.
active directory Static user
The name of the Active Directory group used for Static Site users.
Only required if Active Directory Authentication is to be used, and Static Authentication is enabled.
Appendix C – Manual IIS Setup
This is no longer recommended and has been removed.
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