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Proper auditing and log management for your VMware vCenter Server infrastructure components are critical for security and compliance, but they can prove nearly impossible in practice using system provided auditing tools.
Because vCenter was designed as a management application, not a security application, it lacks the granularity in policy enforcement required for secure deployments. And because there is no central console, you have got to repeat each process for each server, and you end up with a huge volume of data and a myriad of reports. That means proving compliance or reacting quickly to events is a constant challenge.
Your data security is also at risk because system provided event details are sparse and difficult to interpret. As a result, you may not find out about problems until it is too late. Moreover, because system provided trails can be deleted or overwritten, the integrity of the log data can be compromised — defeating the purpose of auditing in the first place. As a result, even the most skilled and diligent vCenter-based organizations are often left exposed to the security risks associated with inadequate auditing and log management.
VMware auditing helps you ensure the security, compliance and control of event activity and the security of VMware vCenter. It manages, audits, reports and alerts on vital changes to VMware’s infrastructure, including data centers, hosts, virtual machines and other resources associated with vCenter or ESX hosts.
This guide has been prepared to assist you in becoming familiar with Change Auditor for VMware. It is intended for network administrators, consultants, analysts, and any other IT professionals using the product.
For a successful deployment, ensure that your environment meets the minimum system requirements. For information on Change Auditor system requirements, see the Change Auditor Release Notes. For details on installing Change Auditor, see the Change Auditor Installation Guide.
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