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Use the following calculation to determine the NetVault SmartDisk Deduplication Ratio for the data that has been protected by NetVault SmartDisk: stream_bytes / ondisk_bytes = NetVault SmartDisk Deduplication Ratio Use the following calculation to determine the NetVault SmartDisk Deduplication Ratio for the data that has been protected by NetVault SmartDisk since the NetVault SmartDisk Services were started: csd.stream_bytes / csd.chunk_bytes = NetVault SmartDisk Deduplication Ratio since NetVault SmartDisk were started For information on viewing NetVault SmartDisk statistics in your backup software, see the documentation that came with your product.
The NetVault SmartDisk Deduplication Option reduces the storage footprint required to store the protected data. To calculate the reduction in the storage footprint that NetVault SmartDisk is providing for protected data, use the following calculation: (ondisk.bytes / stream.bytes) * 100 = NetVault SmartDisk Reduction in Storage Footprint
We are more than just a name We are on a quest to make your information technology work harder for you. That is why we build community-driven software solutions that help you spend less time on IT administration and more time on business innovation. We help you modernize your data center, get you to the cloud quicker and provide the expertise, security and accessibility you need to grow your data-driven business. Combined with Quest’s invitation to the global community to be a part of its innovation, and our firm commitment to ensuring customer satisfaction, we continue to deliver solutions that have a real impact on our customers today and leave a legacy we are proud of. We are challenging the status quo by transforming into a new software company. And as your partner, we work tirelessly to make sure your information technology is designed for you and by you. This is our mission, and we are in this together. Welcome to a new Quest. You are invited to Join the Innovation™.
About us We are on a quest to make your information technology work harder for you. That is why we build community-driven software solutions that help you spend less time on IT administration and more time on business innovation. We help you modernize your data center, get you to the cloud quicker and provide the expertise, security and accessibility you need to grow your data-driven business. Combined with Quest’s invitation to the global community to be a part of its innovation, and our firm commitment to ensuring customer satisfaction, we continue to deliver solutions that have a real impact on our customers today and leave a legacy we are proud of. We are challenging the status quo by transforming into a new software company. And as your partner, we work tirelessly to make sure your information technology is designed for you and by you. This is our mission, and we are in this together. Welcome to a new Quest. You are invited to Join the Innovation™.
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