For the Manage SharePoint Groups action, a newly-created SharePoint site does not show up :
·in the model or dependent group picker
·after making an association, in the dependent grid.
Possible Reason
After a site is created, SharePoint typically requires several minutes to "catch up" with the operation, so it may not display in the ControlPoint group picker immediately.
Once the site is visible in the group picker, an association can be made; however, the group will not display in the dependent gridand cannot be scheduleduntil Discovery is run.
·If the site does not display in the group picker, wait several minutes then refresh the page.
·If, after an association is made, the group does not display in the dependent grid, you can:
§wait for the next scheduled Discovery to run
§if you are a ControlPoint Application Administrator, run an interactive Discovery.
I would like to run an activity analysis using real-time data, but the option is not available.
The Discovery job accumulates and caches activity data that is collected by the nightly SharePoint Usage Analysis tasks. Therefore, activity data is as current as the last time Discovery was run.
Results of an analysis run on cached data includes activity data that is not current.
Possible Reasons
·You are requesting data for a date or time period that is older than the ControlPoint cache.
· ControlPoint Discovery has not been run on one or more Web application(s) within the scope of your analysis since the last date reflected in activity data.
Note that, if the Discovery job has not run, a message displays in the ControlPoint application header. You can compare the date of the last Discovery with the date displayed in the analysis results header. (By default, activity data for site collections is reported for a time period that ends on the date of the last Discovery).
If you determine that Discovery has run and the out-of-date activity data is confined to one or more specific Web applications, it may be that the ControlPoint Application Administrator has excluded the Web application(s) from the Discovery process.
For a Farm Summary Report or activity analysis:
·In the Parameters section, the only available option in the View Activity for drop-down is Cumulative Hits.
·In analysis results, the Requests column displays cumulative hits instead of number of requests or page views for the specified time period.
Possible Reason(s)/Resolution
·You are running a WSS-only farm (See Variations in Activity Data in the ControlPoint User's Guide.
·Since installing ControlPoint you have upgraded from SharePoint Foundation to SharePoint Server but Enable SharePoint Server functionality (MOSS) has not been changed in the ControlPoint application settings.
·Usage Reporting has not been enabled (See System Requirements in the ControlPoint Installation and Upgrade Guide.)
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