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To control outgoing traffic, the HQ and branch administrators can specify a maximum outgoing traffic size in megabytes per hour by selecting the Control outgoing traffic check box. As soon as the traffic exceeds the specified limit, sending of new packets is delayed until the traffic drops below the limit, and an appropriate message is logged to the Collaboration Services Event log.
To control the incoming traffic, the branch forests and an HQ forest can limit the number of incoming messages and the overall size of the incoming traffic.
Use the Control incoming traffic and Control incoming traffic by number of messages options to protect the service from being overloaded with large amounts of synchronization data:
The HQ forest web interface includes two additional options that can be used to set the bandwidth and quotas for branch forests. These options let the HQ forest administrator specify which message and traffic quotas should be assigned each newly-registered branch forest.
To ensure optimal synchronization performance between all synchronization partners, HQ constantly redistributes the message quota and the bandwidth between the branch forests. The redistribution is performed every hour for each branch.
Collaboration Services uses an adaptive algorithm when redistributing available bandwidth and message quotas between branches. This algorithm is quite complex and takes into account statistical information, such as when the branch was added and its average bandwidth usage.
To improve Collaboration Services performance, first register schmmgmt.dll (located in the \\COMPUTERNAME\admin$\SYSTEM32 subfolder). Then, using the MMC console, add the Active Directory Schema Snap-In to the program group of the Administrative Tool on a Domain Controller and ensure indexing is turned on for the following object attributes:
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