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As a result of ongoing research and development, and in response to customer feedback, the following enhancements have been made in this release of Quest Change Auditor.
The following support has been added:
To facilitate Office 365 Exchange Online template creating and editing (adding and removing mailboxes and modifying the events to audit), you can narrow the search on your already selected mailboxes based on the type of activities being audited:
The following Office 365 Exchange Online internal events and built-in search have been added to help you detect auditing issues and to identify changes made to your templates:
Office 365 Exchange Online mailbox auditing configuration changed by an external application
Built-in report: Office 365 Exchange Online mailbox auditing configuration changed by an external application in the last 24 hours
Auditing configuration is changed by an application other than Change Auditor. When this is detected, the configuration for the tenant will be reset to settings in the Office 365 Exchange Online template.
Office 365 Exchange Online administrative activity auditing setting changed
Administrative Activity setting is enabled or disabled for an existing Office 365 Exchange Online auditing template.
Office 365 Exchange Online “All mailboxes for non-owner events” auditing setting changed
“All mailboxes for non-owner events” auditing setting is changed in an existing Office 365 Exchange Online auditing template.
Office 365 Exchange Online auditing configuration account changed
Exchange Administration account used to configure auditing is changed in an existing Office 365 Exchange Online auditing template.
Office 365 Exchange Online auditing configuration account password changed
Exchange Administration account password used to configure auditing is changed in an existing Office 365 Exchange Online auditing template.
Office 365 Exchange Online auditing template agent changed
The agent for an existing Office 365 Exchange Online auditing template is changed. The event details include the old and new agent FQDN.
Office 365 Exchange Online auditing web application changed
The web application is changed for an existing Office 365 Exchange Online auditing template. The event details display the old and new web application ID GUID.
Office 365 Exchange Online auditing web application key changed
The web application key is changed for an existing Office 365 Exchange Online auditing template.
Office 365 Exchange Online mailbox added to auditing template
A mailbox is added to an existing Office 365 Exchange Online auditing template.
Office 365 Exchange Online mailbox auditing type changed
The type of activity (owner and non-owner) to audit for a mailbox has changed in an existing Office 365 Exchange Online auditing template.
Office 365 Exchange Online mailbox removed from auditing template
A mailbox is removed from an existing Office 365 Exchange Online auditing template.
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