Set up Mail configuration for Shareplex Manager Rules in Foglight.
1.In Foglight Console SelectAdministration>Rules & Notifications>Manage Registry Variable.
2In theFilter by Variable Namefield, enter “mail.”
This displays the mail-specific Registry Variables.
3. Here you must specify the following e-mail variable settings:
•SharePlex_To_Email_Address- the recipients of the e-mail
• the SMTP host machine
•mail.from- the sender’s e-mail address (can be any valid email address example
• mail.port- the SMTP port
• mail.receipient-the receivers email address
• mail.password -password for SMTP Server if required.
To Test Email notifications :
1.Select Administration>Support>Email>
2.Set the required values and Click on Test Configuration button.
To Check Shareplex Manager Rules:
1.SelectAdministration>Rules & Notifications>Manage Rules.
2.In the Filter by Cartridge enter Shareplex Manager
This will display all available shareplex Manager rules. You can enable the rule you need.
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