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Quest Secure Copy is a powerful, comprehensive migration solution that automates the copying of data between file servers without the use of agents or scripts. Whether you are migrating from one server to another, consolidating file servers or moving to a NAS/SAN solution, you can easily copy files and folders, NTFS permissions, file shares, local users and groups, and compression settings.
Quest Secure Copy is a powerful, comprehensive migration solution that automates the copying of data between file servers without the use of agents or scripts. Whether you are migrating from one server to another, consolidating file servers or moving to a NAS/SAN solution, you can easily copy files and folders, NTFS permissions, file shares, local users and groups, and compression settings.
Secure Copy is not migrating group ACLs using a MAP file from QMM. During data migration users are migrated properly however, groups are not even if they are inside the .INI file.
Secure Copy is not skipping files that have already been migrated or copied, it just migrates or copies those files over, even though they are already in the target location.