The PST Flight Deck Administration Console provides for the full administration of the PST Flight Deck system. Normally run on the PST Flight Deck server, the Administration Console is a powerful interface that should be used by only specially trained personnel. There are situations where a less powerful console is needed and where the PST Flight Deck Management Console (Management Console) comes in. The Management Console can perform all the functions of the Administration Console except alter PST Flight Deck settings. This enables personnel without special training to perform tasks such as enabling users, checking the status of a user’s migration, correcting some types of failures, etc. The Management Console runs on typical business workstations and its installation is very straightforward.
Installation Requirements
- The target device must have a 64 bit OS
- .NET 4.5 Framework must be installed
- The ID running the Management Console has to have read/write rights on the PST Flight Deck database (PSTFlightDeckDirectory)
- The ID installing the Management Console must administrator rights on the target device.
- Access to the license file (license.lic) on the PST Flight Deck server. This is located in the PST Flight Deck installation directory – installdrive\Program Files\QUADROtech\PST FlightDeck\Core Services.
- Network access to the SQL server hosting the PSTFlightDeckDirectory database through port 1433.
- Download the Management Console MSI from
- When you execute the MSI you will be asked three things:
- Install directory – we recommend you leave this the default setting.
- The SQL server the PST Flight Deck database. This will in the form of SQLServer\instance or just SQLServer if there i no instance.
- The name of the PST Flight Deck server.
- When you enter the SQL server you need to click Check access. This checks that the ID has access to the PST Flight Deck database. The Next button will be enabled if access is good.
- Copy the license file (see requirement #5) to C:\Program Files\QUADROtech\PST FlightDeck\Admin Manage. This will give the console expanded functionality.