If you want to connect into other users’ mailbox, check the box for: Check if using EWS Impersonation and enter the user mailbox
Check the box for: Set X-AnchorMailbox Header
Click in Ok and Sign in with the Accounts Used to grant the consents to ODM. In the new pop up window Accept the consent on behalf of your organization.
Click Yes in the pop up for Do you want to automatically add the mailbox root to the tree view?
Expand Root > Navigate to Top of Information Store > Inbox.
Double Click on Inbox and make sure it can be open.
If the Inbox can be open the ODM Service account can navigate the user folder.
To get logs for Product team go to tools > EWSEditor Logs Viewer
Go to EwsRequestHttpHeaders and copy the information.
Go to EWS Request and copy the information.
How to user EWS Editor to connect into an Archive Mailbox
Connect to the regular mailbox with the instructions already provided.
Once connected right click in the email address and select Add Root Folder
Choose this one from the list the folder Archive Root or ArchiveMsgFolderRoot