In order to minimize Office 365 throttling impact to migration and to raise the overall migration throughput, we highly recommend to upgrade your Office 365 tenant throttling policies (source and target). In the Microsoft Office 365 Portal, if you click on Support | New service request, you should be able to search for "Increase EWS Throttling Policy", which may bring you to an automated tool to increase the migration throttling policy in Office 365. If you are unable to locate this automated tool, or if it does not provide the desired level of performance, you may want to create a new Service Request with Microsoft regarding throttling.
Note: Throttling policies would need to be increased in both the source and target Office 365 tenants to achieve best throughput. Microsoft typically creates a migration throttling policy for your tenant with an auto expiry date. You may want to ask when this migration throttling policy is set to expire and add it as a reminder on your calendar. If your migration project is not complete, you may need to ask for an extension.
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