Prior to installing the agent, create the database user in the monitored SAP HANA database as per Knowledgebase article 4228989.
Use the following steps to create a new agent instance:
- If the agent package was not previously deployed to the FglAM hosting the agent, it must be done before an agent has been created, or it will be performed automatically when the first agent is created on that FglAM. You can use the Deploy Agent Package button on the Agent Status or Agent Managers page to perform this. To access the page from the navigation panel, select: Dashboards | Administration | Agents | Agent Status.

Click To See Full Image.
- Click the Create Agent button and follow the instructions for the cards:
- Host Selector - Choose the Agent Manager on which the agent should run. Considerations for this may include physical or virtual locality to the monitored instance, allocated resources, or grouping with other agents of the same type or monitored environment.
- Agent Type and Instance Name – Select the SAPHANA Agent type. Then, select the “Specify Name” radio button and provide a name for the agent created. This is not canonical and should be representative of the database system that this agent will monitor.
- Summary – Click Finish.

Click To See Full Image.
- Once the agent is created, click the checkbox next to the newly created agent.
- Click the “Edit Properties” button.
- Select “Modify the default properties for this agent.”
- Edit the agent properties for the SAP HANA agent instance – see Agent Properties in Knowledgebase Article 4230464.
- Click “Save,” return to the Agent Status screen, reselect the agent as necessary and click the “Activate” button.
To modify the properties for an existing agent, skip to steps 3-6 and subsequently select “Deactivate” followed by “Activate” to restart the agent.
The following video describes the process to create the new agent.