Please review the following video for details on monitoring a Oracle Data Guard environment.
1). On the Databases dashboard, click the Oracle tile and the Data Guard tab, and then click Monitor.

Click To See Full Image.
The Configure Data Guard Environment wizard appears.

Click To See Full Image.
2). Configure Data Guard Environment: specify the Data Guard environment name or use a default name, and then click Next.
3). Configure Primary Database, and then click Next.
a). Click Add database. The Add New Primary Database dialog box appears.
b). Choose a database from the Choose Primary Database drop-down list.
c). Specify the login credentials that are used to connect to the Primary database. There are two options:
• Specify login credentials with sysdba privileges checkbox is not checked: The monitoring of the Primary database will be with already defined db user.
• Specify login credentials with sysdba privileges checkbox is checked: The monitoring of the Primary database will be with a new user that has SYSDBA privileges. In this case the SYSDBA credentials will be saved in the agent.
4). Configure Standby Database, and then click Next.
a). Select from the list which Standby databases you want to monitor.
b). For each selected database choose from a list its monitored agent. If the relevant agent is missing in the list, check that this database is already monitored. If not, add this database to monitoring using the Oracle Instances > Monitor dashboard.
c). Specify the login credentials that are used to connect to each Standby database. There are two options:
• Specify login credentials with sysdba privileges checkbox is not checked: Monitoring the Standby database with already defined db user. You still need to provide an user with SYSDBA privileges for verification. The SYSDBA credentials will not be saved in the agent.
• Specify login credentials with sysdba privileges checkbox is checked: Monitoring the Standby database with a new user that has SYSDBA privileges. In this case the SYSDBA credentials will be saved in the agent.
Summary, find the list of all databases that were configured for a new Data Guard environment. If all details are correct click Finish.