The Demo will Cover:
Alternative to the video step by step instructions are listed below.
This video is applicable for Foglight 5.9.1 and higher.
The video is available here:
Alternative to the video step by step instructions are listed below.
To install the cartridge proceed under Dashboards |Administration | Cartridges | Cartridge inventory
Click on install cartridge choose file and browse to the directory containing the latest downloaded cartridge file select it. Click open and install cartridge.
The installation process will initiate. Below left corner shows the upload status. The procedure may take a few minutes to complete. When the operation has finished a successful completion message will popup.
The cartridge has successfully updated superseding the previous version acknowledged by a green check mark next to its corresponding components.
Next is the need to upgrade the Foglight agent manager Domain and SQL Server agents. To progress the upgrade click on databases dashboards and the process will either continue directly to the upgrade wizard or revert to the databases dashboards.
If back to the Databases Dashboard Note the agents request for an upgrade. Ultimately the process will upgrade all the SQL Server agents at once within the upgrade wizard. Click upgrade required on one of the agents or the upgrade button upper right corner to enter the upgrade wizard.
Select Foglight for SQL Server cartridge domain to upgrade
Whats new Screen. New Features and Bug fixes are indicated and described in the What’s new for this version at this point in the Wizard. Please take some time to review those items prior to progressing.
The SQLPI update screen will only exist for environments that contain Foglight SQL Server agents running the SQLPI extension. Foglight SQL Server environments containing no SQLPI extensions add on for the agents, the upgrade wizard will bypass this process.
Click update SQLPI Components.
After a few moments of processing, The sqlpi components running on the listed agent manager host typically where the SQLPI repository exists has been successfully upgraded. Click next
The Foglight Agent Manager update screen shows all the Foglight agent managers associated with SQL Server agents needed for upgrading. The procedure will push the upgrade bits through the Agents managers to its associated agents for updating.
Select all if needed, Click on upgrade the Selected Agent managers to initiate the process. The operation shall upgrade all the discovered associated SQL Server agents. Foglight agent mangers green indicators and SQL Server version incrementing reflects the upgrade operation success. Click next.
Agent validation connectivity screen, It’s always good practice to validate connectivity checking for any new additional required privileges introduced in the version. Select all and click validate connectivity.
During the verification, if insufficient privileges dialogues pop up click grant and enter SA or a user with sysdba credentials to execute grant scripts or copy the grant script out and run it on the database. The status should validate successfully with monitored. If there are any connection failures to any agents, those agents can get address after the upgrade has completed.
Click next to view newly added and/or removed rules.
Rule Modification overview screen will list rules that have been added, removed or update for this version, when applicable. There is none for this release. At this point the upgrade has completed, click Finish.
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