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erwin Data Modeler provides logical and physical modeling and schema engineering for relational, NoSQL and Big Data databases, data warehouses and data lakes. (14.1 Build:36463)
Mart Server is an essential component in erwin Data Modeler. The Mart Server is deployed on a web server and includes the software that enables communication between the Mart Database and erwin DM. (14.1 Build:14893)
erwin Data Modeler Navigator Edition provides a cost-effective way to provide read-only access to models built with erwin Data Modeler for viewing and analysis. This edition does not permit you to make any changes to models. (14.0 Build:35966)
There are occasions when the erwin Mart Portal services (erwin Apache Server, erwin ER360, erwinMartPortal, and erwinVaultService) are required to be enabled only through a Domain Service user account (or other custom elevated Administrative account). Note: The "DomainServiceAccount" referenced in this KB article is only an example and not a real user account (unless you created it). Y...