Starting from Enterprise Reporter version 3.5, ER tries to collect Kerberos settings from [DOMAIN]\SYSVOL\[DOMAIN]\Policies\{[GUID]}\Machine\Microsoft\Windows NT\SecEdit\gpttmpl.
ER scans for Kerberos settings in all GPOs and reports failure or missing path for GPOs that doesn't have information for Kerberos settings.
This is an expected behavior as not all GPOs in the environment will have the file containing kerberos settings. According to the code, it should not be failing the discovery on this error. There is no hard stop if this error is encountered, is just coded to log it as an Error and to continue with the discovery until it completes.
The GPO code is new, so its just a new error that shows up without failing the discovery. Adding that error to the suppression list is our best recommendation to not see this error again in future AD discoveries