This article explains a situation which can occur when performing a migration to PST using the Native Format Import Module with Archive Shuttle and using one or more mappings with multiple filters against the same containers.
HOW TO: Filter mappings by using tags with NOR condition <div class="pf-content"><p>Filter mappings using tags in two simple steps:</p> ... <ol><li>Click on tag field.</li><li><span style="display: inline !important;float: none;background-color: transparent;color: #595959;cursor: text;font-family: 'Open Sans','Helvetica Neue',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-size: 16px;font-style: normal;font-variant: normal;font-weight: 400;letter-spacing: normal;orphans: 2;text-align: left;text-decoration: none;text-indent: 0px;text-transform: none;-webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px;white-space: normal;word-spacing: 0px;">On the Archive Shuttle page</span>, click on the exact tag name.</li></ol>
<h1>Solution</h1> <p>Currently this behavior is considered aligned with the expectations of the current design of the product. ... Conditions under which this issue occurs are atypical and were not taken into consideration when the Bulk Mapping feature was designed.<br>At small scale, a valid workaround for this behavior has been identified.
ISSUE: Archive Shuttle EV Provisioning Module Logs: Error Creating Privileged MAPI session <div class="pf-content"><p><strong>Issue: </strong><br>The EV Provisioning Module may log the following when the DisableMailbox command is executed:<br><span style="font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;">2015-04-07 13:26:34Z|5172| 14| INFO| ExecuteEVPM|Starting EVPM tool … </span><br><span style="font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;">2015-04-07 13:26:34Z|5172| 14|TRACE| ExecuteEVPM|Waiting for finish … </span><br><span style="font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;">2015-04-07 13:26:36Z|5172| 9|DEBUG| b__8|Application output: </span><br><span style="font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;">2015-04-07 13:26:36Z|5172| 9|DEBUG| b__8|Application output: </span><br><span style="font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;">2015-04-07 13:26:36Z|5172| 9|DEBUG| b__8|Application output: Creating privileged MAPI session … </span><br><span style="font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;">2015-04-07 13:26:36Z|5172| 9|DEBUG| b__8|Application output: </span><br><span style="font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;">2015-04-07 13:26:36Z|5172| 9|DEBUG| b__8|Application output: Parsing input file: C:\Documents and Settings\vsa\Local Settings\Temp\tmp249.tmp </span><br><span style="font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;">2015-04-07 13:26:36Z|5172| 9|DEBUG| b__8|Application output: Processing input file </span><br><span style="font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;">2015-04-07 13:26:36Z|5172| 9|DEBUG| b__8|Application output: </span><br><span style="font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;">2015-04-07 13:26:36Z|5172| 9|DEBUG| b__8|Application output: Processing mailbox: /o=AnOrg/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=john.doe </span><br><span style="font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;">2015-04-07 13:26:36Z|5172| 9|DEBUG| b__8|<span style="color: #ff0000;">Application output: Error – Whilst processing mailbox with dn: /o=AnOrg/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=john.doe [0x8004011D]</span> </span><br><span style="font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;">2015-04-07 13:26:36Z|5172| 14| INFO| ExecuteEVPM|Application ExitCode: 1 </span><br><span style="font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;">2015-04-07 13:26:36Z|5172| 14|DEBUG| ExecuteEVPM|EVPM: E:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\EVPM.exe </span><br><span style="font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;">2015-04-07 13:26:36Z|5172| 14|DEBUG| ExecuteEVPM|EVPM arguments: -e “ExServer” -m “” -f “C:\Documents and settings\vsa\Local Settings\Temp\tmp249.tmp” </span><br><span style="font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;">2015-04-07 13:26:36Z|5172| 14| INFO| ExecuteEVPM|Starting EVPM tool … </span><br><span style="font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;">2015-04-07 13:26:36Z|5172| 14|TRACE| ExecuteEVPM|Waiting for finish … </span><br><span style="font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;">2015-04-07 13:26:39Z|5172| 17|DEBUG| b__8|Application output: </span><br><span style="font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;">2015-04-07 13:26:39Z|5172| 17|DEBUG| b__8|Application output: </span><br><span style="font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;">2015-04-07 13:26:39Z|5172| 17|DEBUG| b__8|Application output: Creating privileged MAPI session … </span><br><span style="font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;">2015-04-07 13:26:39Z|5172| 17|DEBUG| b__8|Application output: Error creating privileged MAPI session </span><br><span style="font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;">2015-04-07 13:26:39Z|5172| 14| INFO| ExecuteEVPM|Application ExitCode: 0 </span><br><span style="font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;">2015-04-07 13:26:39Z|5172| 14|TRACE| Dispose|<< ExecuteEVPM [5136,9466 ms] </span><br><span style="font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;">2015-04-07 13:26:39Z|5172| 14|<span style="color: #ff0000;">ERROR| DisableUserMailbox|Problem with disabling user mailbox ArchiveShuttle.Module.EVProvisioning.CommandResult DisableUserMailbox(ArchiveShuttle.Common.Resources.ModuleCommands.EVDisableUserMailboxData)</span></span><br><span style="color: #ff0000;font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;"> Creating privileged MAPI session …</span><br><span style="color: #ff0000;font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;"> Error creating privileged MAPI session</span><br><span style="color: #ff0000;font-family: courier new,courier;font-size: 10pt;"> at ArchiveShuttle.Module.EVProvisioning.EVPMExecutor.DisableUserMailbox(EVDisableUserMailboxData userMailboxData)</span><br><strong>Solution: </strong><br>1\ Check if the related mailbox archives are orphaned, if this is the case, change the workflow from standard to orphaned and re-run stage 2.<br>2\ Verify that the mailbox is not migrated to the cloud.</p>
Configuring Application Impersonation to ingest data into Exchange 2007 <div class="pf-content"><p><strong>Issue</strong><br>In order for Archive Shuttle 6.6 and later to ingest data into an Exchange 2007 mailbox, the accounts used need to be granted extra permissions. This article explains how to do that.<br><strong>Solution</strong><br>The following commands can be executed in Exchange Management Shell:</p>
Changing Target Exchange Server/Database during migration <div class="pf-content"><p><strong>Issue</strong><br>Sometimes you may have the need to change the target Exchange Server/Database for a user-mailbox but the migration with Archive Shuttle is already in progress.<br><strong>Solution</strong><br>It is possible to change the Exchange Server/Database during the Archive Shuttle migration, but it needs to be done in one domain.<br>You will need to do following:<br>1) Stop Archive Shuttle Exchange Import service<br>2) Move the users mailbox from Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2010<br><strong>NOTE 1:</strong> The OwnerUserSid, MailboxGuid, ContainerId need to be the same in the Archive Shuttle ExchangeMailbox table, and only the LegacyExchangeDN, ExchangeVersionId and ExchangeDatabaseId columns will change.<br><strong>NOTE 2:</strong> You need to have configured the target link on the Links screen for the target server to be able to ingest the data after the mailbox is migrated to another server or database.<br>3) Execute: Sync AD Users on the Active Directory screen in Archive Shuttle<br>4) Start Archive Shuttle Exchange Import service<br>5) The Archive Shuttle migration from EV to the Exch2010 mailbox should continue<br><strong>NOTE: This approach may not work in every environment as there could be many differences and dependencies. It should be tested with a sample mailbox.</strong> If you have more question contact Quadrotech Support.</p>
It may be set incorrectly.
From time to time it might be necessary to check the EV Collector log files if there are any issues present. ... With large journal archives, the collection can take some time, and it might be important to check for collection issues.
Which module runs the command?</strong><br>This command runs on the EV Provisioning Module associated with the source link.<br><strong>3. ... Can the EV Archiving task still archive to an archive which is closed?</strong><br>No.
In some environments it may be necessary to restrict access to Archive Shuttle to a small group of users. ... This article explains how to do that. ... Solution With IIS in Windows 2008 R2 or Windows 2012 R2, an additional IIS Feature can be added called ‘URL Authorization’.
at ArchiveShuttle.Module.EVExportModule.ItemContentRetrievers.ContentRetrieverBase.Process(EVArchive archive, Int32 commandId, Int32 mappingId, EVExportResult item, StagingArea stagingArea)</pre><p> <br><strong>Cause</strong><br>On NTFS partitions where Collections have been enabled, archived data are collected into.
ISSUE: Archive Shuttle Exchange Import module may log an error during ingestion to Exchange (EAS <div class="pf-content"><p><strong>Issue</strong><br>Archive Shuttle Exchange Import module may log an error below during ingestion to Exchange (EAS as source):</p>
GUI is showing: Link database has not been updated for more than 3 days <div class="pf-content"><p><strong>Issue</strong><br>Archive Shuttle may show the following warning in the GUI about Link database licensing:<br>Link database has not been updated for more than 3 days<br><strong>Solution</strong><br>Use the following SQL statements on the ArchiveShuttleDirectory Database:</p>
these items are then migrated to a User mailbox which is using a new default language, the user will have two Inbox folders: one in the new default language and the second one in the Native language.
Unable to set journal P1 sender! </strong>during a migration from Source One archive manager. ... <strong><br></strong><br>See the example below:</p> <pre> 2018-05-21 07:26:47Z|3644|S1 server| 39|ERROR| SaveItems|Item export failed!
Used Space is not updated correctly on System Health screen <div class="pf-content"><p><strong>Issue</strong><br>Used Space is not updated correctly on System Health screen after manual cleanup.<br><strong>Solution</strong><br>Archive Shuttle updates the “Used Space” value for specific links on the System Health screen from related Item (Link) database with the SQL query below.</p>
HOWTO: Find items using EWS editor and TargetMessageEntryID <div class="pf-content"><p><strong>Issue</strong><br>Sometimes you need to find an imported item in Office 365/Exchange mailbox.<br><strong>Solution</strong><br>This can be achieved by using EWS editor and the TargetMessageEntryID, which is located in the item database, table ItemRoutingExchange. TargetMessageEntryID is available only for items that were successfully imported to the target environment.<br><strong>How to do it</strong></p>
This article lists some error types that might be logged. ... Details A Directory Entry has a valid reference to an Invalid Storage Type directory – There is a .msg file structure issue. ... A Directory Entry references the non-existent sid number – There is a .msg file structure issue.
Sometimes some of the Archive Shuttle stage 2 commands using EVPM fail with the following error: Error (0x8004010f) creating privileged MAPI session against Exchange Server xxxxxxxxx ... Solution This has been addressed by Veritas, refer to the following article.
<pre>2015-07-16 13:53:58Z|3966| 86|ERROR| ResolveOwner|Could not determine owner. ... Archive [user name] (15F59B235B83947448A4F70E43F7734301110000NOOSLKVS) has too many entries in ExchangeMailboxEntry table.
ISSUE: Office 365 module may log error: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. ... System.IO.Stream GetRequestStream(System.Net.TransportContext ByRef)<br>The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.<br>at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(TransportContext& context)<br>at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()<br>at QUADROtech.ExchangeWebServices.AIP.IngestHandler.GetIngestItemResponseStream(String smtpAddress, Byte[] bytes, ICallServiceInfo callServiceInfo)<br>at QUADROtech.ExchangeWebServices.AIP.IngestHandler.b__0(ICallServiceInfo callServiceInfo,
2015-07-23 10:57:44Z|1278|148| INFO| Get|Querying Core for 69 Commands with additional info (Backlog: 1) 2015-07-23 10:57:49Z|1278|148| INFO| Get| -> Received no new command. ... Service might be out of schedule or there is nothing to do.
During ingestion into Exchange or Office 365, a throttling, which slows down the throughput, may be experienced. ... It is displayed in Archive Shuttle logs and in the user interface as well. ... When a throttling is being experienced, a symbol of hand like the following is displayed in the UI section Managed & Operations, screen Progress & Performance:
Shortcuts collection (not able to import items) ... If shortcuts collection collects shortcuts for the user and in Office365Import.client log file is no error message, but items are still not importing, check Office365Import.core log.
In Archive Shuttle it is possible to create additional filename policies for migration to PST with the Native Format Import Module. ... Solution The following tokens are available when deciding on a new file name policy for finalized PST files:
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