If SQL queries perform sluggishly and severely impact SQL Server performance, the solution can be very simple – in some cases all that needs to be done is to not use the * wildcard in the SELECT statement.
Writing and maintaining simple code for stored procedures and functions has never been a problem. ... However, maintaining complex code, with dozens of parameters and variables, and thousands of rows of SQL statements is.
In this article we’ll make an introduction in a series of articles on SQL database refactoring and solutions using ApexSQL Refactor a free SSMS and VS add-in with 11 SQL database refactors ... Database refactoring is a structural or a functional change in a database schema in order to improve SQL database design while retaining its semantics without taking away or adding any functionality
The previous article covered SQL query readability basics such as capitalization strategies and their implementation in SQL formatter by ApexSQL. ... One of the quickest ways to wreak havoc among developers is to start a discussion about how commas should be treated within the code, particularly in a SELECT list.
The Format SQL objects feature allows users formatting one or more database objects with the specified formatting profile, without having to script them first. ... Right-click on a database in Object Explorer or Server Explorer, select the Format SQL objects command:
Many development teams spend an inordinate amount of time arguing over styling and formatting preferences. ... Although these preferences are often subjective, at the end the code should be consistent.
One of the most important requirements in the process of SQL database refactoring is that any change made in a database schema requires all dependences to be updated and changed to reflect the changes which are made.
Changing the parameters of a SQL function or a stored procedure is easy - simply ALTER the function or the procedure and add or remove parameters, change the names or data types of the existing parameters and even set default parameter values.
In short, deciphering someone else’s code is time-consuming. ... Clean and neat SQL code can be read faster; SQL reviewing and troubleshooting is more efficient; joint development efforts are more effective; handing off projects from one team to another is smoother than for inconsistently written SQL.
There is little formal guidance regarding SQL formatting and coding styles, but there is no universally accepted coding standard for SQL Server. ... This article will describehow to implement these standards via ApexSQL Refactor.
The key candidates and the keys themselves need to be picked with caution, as suboptimal choices can snowball out of control and leave the bloated, slow databases which require heavy maintenance and require massive amounts of work to meet changes in the business requirements.
Replacing a natural key with a surrogate key is structural refactoring method of replacing an existing natural key with a surrogate key. ... Why replace a natural key with a surrogate key? ... A natural key and a surrogate key are two types of primary key.
SQL Database refactoring becomes more complicated according to the degree of coupling in the database architecture; the more coupled things are coupled the greater the potential impact of any change.
In this article, the rules for delimiting identifies and show how to avoid adding unnecessary delimited T-SQL identifiers will be discussed, when using ApexSQL Refactor a free SQL formatter. ... Square brackets in T-SQL are necessary if the name of an identifier does not comply with all the rules for the format of identifiers.
Commas in T-SQL are used to format numbers, as list-separators, and value separators. ... When commas are used as separators, there is no specific rule for placing commas at the end of a line or at the beginning.
Database performance is a challenge for every developer and DBA. ... Even when some improvements are made, there is always a question – is there anything else that can be done. ... There might be.
A “one-to-many” relationship is one of the most common relationship types as many real world scenarios can be represented using it. ... For instance, the same product can be sold by more than one supplier; a customer can have more than address, and so on.
<p></p><div class="videoWrapper"><iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/4SyAWsqnpGE" width="640" height="360" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div> <p>For instance, in scenarios where a table contains large, but rarely used fields, moving them to a separate table will increase performance as the frequently used data will be stored in a much smaller table, and the rarely used data will only be looked up when required.
In this article, some most common guidance in naming conventions will be given and shown how ApexSQL Refactor, a free SQL formatting Visual Studio and SSMS add-in with nearly 200 formatting options, can help in achieving capitalization consistency among team members.
This article explains usage of a semicolon to terminate SQL statements and differences between the GO command and a semicolon. ... Terminating SQL statements with semicolons was optional in SQL Server 2000 and in some cases actually not allowed.
Depending on environment, splitting a SQL table may have a positive impact on the overall database performance. ... For instance, in scenarios where a table contains some large but rarely used columns, moving them to a separate table will increase performance as the frequently used data will be stored in a much smaller table, and the rarely used data will be only looked up when required.
In this article, tips on T-SQL code commenting and improving productivity will be given, while using the ApexSQL Refactor’s Comments feature. ... ApexSQL Refactor is a free SQL Server and Visual Studio SQL formatting add-in with nearly 200 formatting options.
Modifying parameters of a SQL function or a stored procedure is not a simple task if dependencies need to be kept and to maintain a database integrity. ... ApexSQL Refactor is a SQL Server Management Studio and Visual Studio add-in for SQL formatting with a collection of useful code refactors.
The main purpose to apply Rename column, Rename table, and Rename view are increasing readability, adopting database naming conventions, or clarifying the meaning of an object. ... In the case of renaming objects, a cost of refactoring both database and external applications that access the database vs. an impact of the achieved readability, should be considered.
Database refactoring is a change in a database schema with a goal to improve a database design and retain both informational and behavior semantics. ... Informational semantics refers to the information contained in a database from the user’s point of view meaning if the data stored in a column is changed external users of the data shouldn’t be affected by the change.
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