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erwin Evolve 2023.1.0 - System Requirements


Upgrading from Evolve Web Platform 2020.1.x

If you are upgrading to the latest Evolve 2020.1 from any 2020.1.x version.


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When uninstalling any recent version of Evolve, it is also necessary to uninstall
"Evolve Services" - the service that operates the Global Search, and Web Modeler.

The Evolve Web Platform uninstaller does NOT remove Evolve Services when uninstalling.

The following steps also ensure compatibility between Evolve Web Platform and Evolve Suite (CWSuite) when run on the same machine. 

  1. First BACKUP your SQL Database, to ensure any updates can be reverted should there be a problem.

  2. Now uninstall Evolve Services.

    To do this you may need to first stop the CWS Services from running

  3. Then uninstall your previous version of Evolve Web Platform 2020

    A restart may be required.

  4. Now uninstall your previous version of Evolve Suite 2020 only if previously installed *

    A restart may be required.

  5. Follow the steps below:

  • Go to your previous Evolve Web Platform folder (defaults to C:\erwin\Evolve)
    right-click on the 'Evolve' sub-folder, then choose
    'Sent to >' - 'Compressed (zipped) folder'

  • Let Windows compress the remnants of this folder to a backup file
    This zip will contain any customizations made to Evolve Web Platform, various settings, and your Global Search cache
    This is a useful backup to keep, should you need to revert any changes.

  • Finally delete all the contents of the Evolve folder EXCEPT these 2 folders (if you want to preserve your Global Search cache):
      * CWSServices - folder
      * Elasticsearch - folder

  1. Install the latest Evolve Suite release (aka CWSuite)  If only the Web Platform is required, this step can be skipped. *

    (The Suite should be installed first, if both Desktop and Web components are to co-exist on a single machine)

  2. Install Evolve Web Platform 2020

    And copy any custom files back to their respective folders (nb: only copy files customized by your organization)


    Follow the instructions to upgrade your database

Graphical user interface

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  1. Any version upgrade can be performed from a previous version but the below is required when updating to 2020.0.2 or later in the 2020 series

    Continuing on from the database upgrade instructions, also run the following command

    ValidateRepository.exe -connection:YourConnectionName -username:YourUserName password:YourPassword -applyfixes

    When prompted to apply fixes, review the changes (there may be other faults that need fixing, check you are happy with them) then press 'a' for all.

  2. Your upgrade is complete - continue to configure Evolve Web Platform and re-publish the sites.


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    When a version of Evolve Web Platform (Evolve) is installed on the same machine as Evolve Suite (CWSuite), the version of Evolve Suite installed must be the same version (including revision, e.g. 2020.1.0) to ensure full compatibility.

    Other machines on the network can continue to use Evolve Suite matching the same Major Version, e.g. 2020.x if desired. Although upgrading to Evolve Suite (CWSuite) at the newer version, may offer additional features / fixes.

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