In erwin Web Modeler, you can now edit or set the properties of association objects and lines during diagram creation.
To achieve this, you must first create and configure the diagram pop-out and then link it to the diagram.
To configure Diagram Popout in Evolve Designer:
Start Evolve Designer.
Click a model. For example, EA Foundation - Sample Model.
Click Site.
Expand Site > Diagram Popouts.
Right-click Diagram Popout and click Add Diagram Popout for Object Type > Diagram.
The Diagram Popout is created for the Diagram object type.
Expand diagram_diagram_popout.
Right-click Diagram and click New Property Group > From CM Panel > General.
You can add any Property Group that you want to display in erwin Web Modeler. |
Click General.
Under Selected Properties, select the properties that you want to display as diagram properties in erwin Web Modeler.
Click Save.
Click Dynamic Site.
The newly configured diagram properties are available only for new and duplicate drafts. |
To create a diagram popout:
Right-click association type.
Go to New property Group > From CM Panel > General.
You can see General is added to the node.
Also, it has some properties such as, Name, Category, and Allow Automatic Deletion.
The configuration of properties is same for the current object popouts. For example, in the above image, the group, General is selected and it has a name, category, and allow automatic deletion properties selected.
You can also select multiple property groups. For example, in the below image, the group, General, Description, Status is selected.
Once the diagram popout is created. We need to assign it to the diagram.
To assign this diagram popout to the diagram:
Expand Object Pages node.
Expand Diagram node.
Go to Diagram > Tabs > View > Layout Diagram > Corporate Modeler Diagram.
In the diagram popout, you can see list of available association type with category, diagram popout, and eModeler Editor.
Select the association type from the Object Type drop-down. For example, Association IT Portfolio
Based on the above selection, Category and Diagram Popout appears.
Select the eModeler Editor check box.
The diagram popout is available in erwin Web Modeler.
Now, when you open the diagram in erwin Web Modeler and select any line, you can see and edit all the properties.
To update the association properties in erwin Web Modeler:
Click the required property that you want to update. For example, Name.
Update the Name and click Save.
Click to publish the diagram.
Click Confirm Publish.
The Title is updated.
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