Workaround:Downgrade the Physical Agent to version 7.8.3.
- To downgrade, please download the Agent from the Attachments section in this article.
- Using File Explorer, open the vRanger installation folder, the default path is: "C:\Program Files\Quest\vRanger"
- Rename the existing vRangerPhysicalClient.exe file, for example, add a suffix like '-785' to easily identify it.
- Paste the Agent version 7.8.3 file and rename it to the default file name.
- In the vRanger UI | My Inventory | Physical tab | right-click a server and select "Reinstall Agent".
vRanger will uninstall the existing agent and push the installation of the vRangerPhysicalClient.exe file, which is now a 7.8.3 version.
Backup Jobs can be re-run afterwards and they are expected to execute correctly.