If you are seeing 3201 Cannot open Vix:...<vmname>vmdk errors when trying to replicate with VA-hot-add and\or VA-Network
There are many possible solutions to this problem\ error code:
Cause 1: DNS Resolution is Failing
Configuring DNS
Configuring Host file
Cause 2: The Required Ports are not Available
Login to VA(s) vai putty session or VMware console window and:
Cause 3: Expired Password/Special Characters
Reset/Change the password of the account that is used to connect vRanger to vCentre without special characters.
Cause 4: Improper VA Deployment
Deploy VA via the vranger virtual deployment wizard versus having deployed the VA from OVF via vSphere Client
Cause 5: Block Size Mismatch
Migrate the VM being replicated to a vmware datastore of same block size as the VA.
Cause 6: Insufficient VMware Licensing
This error can occur if your Virtual Center License is not at the sufficient level to support Hardware Hot Add
Verify that "Hot-Pluggable virtual HW" is licensed on both sides of the Replication. This can be verified by selecting both hosts on either side and selecting the 'Configuration" tab, Licensed features, and verifying that "Hot-Pluggable virtual HW" is in the list of Product features.
If that feature is not licensed then, in vRanger, go to 'tools\options\transport failover', select 'VA-based Network', and press the up arrow to make that the first option. This should make the backups work if licensing is the issue.
Cause 7: VA has been vMotioned
If and only if VA(s) have been deployed in ESXi host mode and not cluster based mode whereby the VA happens to vmotion off of the ESXi host where the VM resides would this possible resolution apply.
Cause 8: Snapshots on the Replica
Cause 9: Errors on the host
One possible resolution is to vmotion VMs off troublesome ESX(i) host and then reboot the ESX(i) host. Then move VMs back to ESX(i) host and replication proceeds normally.
Cause10: Replica is missing configuration files
Examin the VM folder within the datastore to see if only the vmname-Replica_1-flat.vmdk file may exists. If no other files associated with the VM exist, follow these steps:
Cause 11: Domain credentials are needed to communicate with the VC.
Make sure when adding vcenter server into vranger that "Domain\Username" is used vs. "Username" only.
Cause 12: The hosts is not licnesed in vRanger
Go to Tools > Options > Host -- check for enough\ valid number of sockets for backup and/or replication in each hosts.
If not enough licenses then go to https://support.quest.com/LicenseKey.aspx to upgrade license.
Cause 13: NAT is Configured in the Environment
vRanger replication will not operate with servers that are behind a NAT firewall. In order to properly replicate through an NAT firewall, you must have an IP tunnel in place between two NAT'ed subnets.
see system requirements guide
Cause 14: Wrong Version of VA is Being Used
vRanger 6.x and above uses VA version 1.8.0 while vRanger 5.x and earlier uses VA version 1.5.0. Based on this information if on the wrong VA version redeploy correct version of VA.
To check VA version in vSphere client click on VA & choose summary tab this will list the version of VA.
Cause 15: Access Restriction has been Enabled on the Host
Check for the presence of either /etc/hosts.allow on the ESX(i) servers and verify that the IP address of the vRanger server and/or Virtual Appliance is properly listed to allow access
Also make sure that the IP address of the vRanger server and/or Virtual Appliance is not listed in the /etc/hosts.deny file on the ESX(i) servers
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