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Unable to perform a restore but we have the savepoint with VAR files accessible.
VMDK Extractor manual restore
해결 방안
The steps to perform a manual restore: 1. Open powershell and run the following command Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned 2. Create a new VM on the ESX(i) host. The drive(s) should be the same size as the original. The sizes can be found in the VMconfig.metadata file. If the original VM contained snapshots when it was backed up, you will need to create the same number of snapshots. 3. Within the Powerhell window, change directories to the directory that contains the VMDKExtractor7.7.x.ps1. Open the utility by executing the following command .\VMDKExtractor7.7.x.ps1 . 4. Select the var file to extract by clicking on the 3 dot button next to select var file. 5. Provide a name and a destination for the -flat.vmdk (base disk) or -delta.vmdk (snapshot disk) file that will be extracted (Using the same name as the created VM is recommended, ex. VM-flat.vmdk or VM-00000X-delta.vmdk) 6. Click Extract vmdk. 7. Once the extraction is complete the Close button will change to Finish. 8. Verify that the newly extracted vmdk file matches the name of the virtual disk of the newly created VM. 9. If in step 4 you didn't name the .vmdk as the created VM name now change the name to be the same as the -flat.vmdk or -delta.vmdk on the ESX(i) host. 10. Use a tool like WinSCP to upload the extracted -flat.vmdk or -delta.vmdk to the directory that contains the newly created VM. You are replacing the -flat.vmdk or -delta.vmdk that was created during the new VM creation. 11. Repeat steps 2-9 for all the drive the you need to restore. 12. After all the drives have been restored and uploaded to the ESX(i) host, power on the VM. It should be fully operational.