How to download a Commercial version installer from the Quest Support Portal?
In some situations, it errors out during the download and won't let the download to complete even though a current support maintenance contract exists.
Steps to download a commercial product:
1. Go to the Quest Software Support site.
2. At the top right, click on 'Sign In' to login with your email and password. If you are not yet registered, click on the ‘Create Support Account’ link.
3. On the Support page, click on ‘Download Software’.
4. Type in the first few letters of the product name in the text field box, then click the product you want from the pop-up list.
5. A list of various software versions will display. Use the 'All Categories' drop-down to filter the results further. Use drop-down menu beside 'All Categories' to display the appropriate release. You will be offered additional downloads to add to your download folder.
NOTE: Choose 'Download Now' and save locally or select 'Add to My Downloads' to keep looking for other items to download. When you are ready, you will see your 'My Downloads' Cart in the upper right hand of the screen under the Search box.
If errors are encountered, please check...
1. Are there firewalls or network restrictions that is preventing you from downloading? If yes, try downloading from a different network i.e. another building or home computer. Ask your IT or Helpdesk as well if they can download it for you.
2. Try signing out and accessing Support Portal from a different internet browser i.e. Firefox, Chrome, etc.
3. Try clearing your internet browser's cache and accessing Support Portal again.
If errors continue, or you do not see the version you require, and you would like the product to be made available via FTP, please contact support for assistance. For FTP, you will need to supply the license number associated with your key.
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