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SQL Navigator for Oracle 7.4 - User Guide

Quick Overview Working With SQL Navigator Navigation Oracle Logon Code Editor Visual Object Editors Team Coding and Version Control Systems Modules, Windows And Dialogs
Analyze Tool Auto Describe Tool Benchmark Factory Bookmarks Dialog Capture Web Output Change Logon Password Dialog Code Analysis Code Assistant Code Road Map Code Templates Code Test Database Source Code Search Dialog DB Navigator Describe Difference Viewer Edit Data ER Diagram Explain Plan Tool Export Table Find and Replace Dialog Find objects Dialog Find Recycle Bin Objects Dialog Formatting Options HTML Viewer Import HTML as PL/SQL Import Table Java Manager Job Scheduler Locate In Tree Output Window PL/SQL Profiler Profile Manager Project Manager Publish Java to PL/SQL Quick Browse Rename Object Search Knowledge Xpert Select DB Object Dialog Server Output Server Side Installation Wizard Session Browser Source Preview SQL Modeler SQL Optimizer Task Manager Web Support Configuration Dialog Wrap Code
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Modules, Windows And Dialogs

Analyze Tool

Modules, Windows And Dialogs > Analyze Tool

Use the Analyze tool to view and collect statistics, validate structure and list chained rows for database structures such as tables, clusters and indexes.

Ways to open the Analyze Tool

From DB Navigator

  1. Select a table, cluster or index node in DB Navigator.
  2. Click Object | Analyze or right click Analyze.

From the Explain Plan Tool

  1. Select a node in the Explain Plan Tool.
  2. Click Show/Collect Statistics.


Collect Statistics

Select the collection method.

Collection Method


Compute Statistics

The entire object is scanned to gather data. The larger the object, the longer it takes to complete the analysis.

Select this option only if the object is small.

Estimate Statistics

Sample by rows or percentage of the object. The accuracy of the statistics depends on the representatives of the sampling.

This option suits large objects.

Delete Statistics

Delete the statistics gathered for the object.


Validate Structure

Use to verify the integrity of the selected object.

Select Cascade to additionally verify dependent objects. For example, if you validate the structure of a cluster and select Cascade, SQL Navigator checks all tables and indexes in the cluster.

Note: Oracle returns an error message if it encounters corruption in the structure of an object. To fix errors: Drop and recreate the object from the commands on the Object Menu.


List Chained Rows

Use to identify migrated or chained rows in a table or cluster. Having a high percentage of chained rows can impair application performance. UPDATE statements that cause migration and chaining perform poorly. Queries that select migrated or chained rows must perform more I/O than those that do not. For these reasons, it is important to detect and correct them. See Oracle documentation on the possible ways of fixing chained-rows problems.

  1. The default name for the table that will contain the chained rows information is CHAINED_ROWS. This is defined at View | Preferences | General | Default Tables.
  2. Click Create Chained Rows Table to create the table. Watch for verification in the Output Window.
  3. Click List Chained Rows to collect the information. Watch for verification in the Output Window.
  4. To view the information select the CHAINED_ROWS table in DB Navigator and click Object Menu | Quick Browse.

Auto Describe Tool

Modules, Windows And Dialogs > Auto Describe Tool

The Oracle DESCRIBE command reports the attributes, methods and arguments of an object type. The SQL Navigator Describe command works with more objects than does the SQL*Plus version of the command. You can describe not only procedures, functions, packages, synonyms, and object types, but also tables, indexes, clusters and objects.

Ways to open the Auto Describe Tool

From the View Menu

  1. Click View | Auto Describe Tool.
  2. Ensure the required database connection is active.
  3. Select the object to describe. The object may be in DB Navigator, Project Manager, (for example).

From the Code Editor

  1. Press and hold CTRL.
  2. Click on the object's name.

If the object is a text object (view, procedure, function, package or packaged procedure/function) and the Source Preview window is open then the object’s source is automatically previewed.



  • Can be used to provide a quick summary of a table or view and all its column names and data types.
  • The Auto Describe Tool is dockable. For more information, see Customize The Screen Layout.
  • The Auto Describe Tool always stays on top of the application window.
  • Select the following to automatically display the Auto Describe Tool when you press CTRL and click on an object name and create a hyperlink: View | Preferences | Code Editor | General | Describe Object at Hyperlink.

Tips to use the Auto Describe Tool

A quick way to construct a SELECT statement

To drag column names into a Select statement

  1. Open the Auto Describe Tool.
  2. In the Code Editor select the table name.
  3. Drag and drop column names from the Describe window into the SELECT statement.

In the Code Editor

To move the text cursor to the declaration of a variable (or Auto Describe it if it’s the name of an external database) press CTRL and point to the variable with the mouse.

To return to the former position in the text, press Alt+Left Arrow.

Describe Command or Auto Describe Tool

Use either the Describe command or the Auto Describe Tool to describe an object

View Menu | Auto Describe Tool

Automatically see a description of any object you select.

A dockable Describe window opens and stays on top of the application window.

As you select various objects you will automatically see a description of the selected object in the Auto Describe window.

Object menu | Describe

Click the Describe command on the Object menu whenever needed. It opens a describe window for a single selected object and will not update automatically when you select another object.

Benchmark Factory

Modules, Windows And Dialogs > Benchmark Factory

Benchmark Factory® is a highly scalable load testing, capacity planning and performance tuning tool capable of simulating thousands of users accessing your database, file, Internet and messaging servers. Benchmark Factory can simulate user transactions before and during application deployments, enabling performance issues to be addressed before end users are affected.

  • Allows IT professionals to determine system capacity and isolate system stress related problems
  • Common interface displays the testing of databases, Internet, e-mail and file servers.
  • Simulates the maximum number of users on a minimal amount of hardware
  • Enables IT professionals to discern problems before and after applications are deployed
  • Comprehensive tutorials cover load testing, benchmarking, capacity planning and performance tuning, including information on configuring your system and analyzing results.

Note: Requires installation of Benchmark Factory. Benchmark Factory is installed independent of SQL Navigator.

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