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On Demand Migration Current - User Guide

About On Demand Migration Working with On Demand Migration Account Migration Mailbox Migration OneDrive Migration Microsoft Teams Migration Microsoft 365 Groups Migration SharePoint Migration Public Folders Migration Power BI Migration Troubleshooting Finalizing the Migration Appendix A: Using PowerShell Appendix B: How Queuing Works

Discovering Power BI Content

This topic describes the various ways you can discover Power BI content.

In this topic:


  • The Test Power BI Connection task must be run before Discover All Contents can be processed.
  • The Test Power BI Connection task must successfully connect to the source tenant to process Discover All Contents.
  • The Test Power BI Connection task must successfully connect to both the source and target tenant to process migrations.


We strongly recommend that you run only one discovery task at a time to avoid scheduling delays.

Discovering all contents

This is a unified approach which uses the Discover All Contents task to inspect the source tenant and discover all Power BI instances of Workspaces, Gateways and Connections.

NOTE: Discovering all contents is recommended as the first of all discovery tasks. This task will collect data for Workspaces, Gateways and Connections. This information will be indicated in the pre-migration report. To complete the pre-migration report, you must also run the Collect Statistics task.

Workspaces, Gateways and Connections can also be discovered separately using dedicated discovery tasks that are usually recommended for the discovery of newer Power BI objects, such as a refresh from the source tenant.

  1. Log in to Quest On Demand and choose an organization if you have set up multiple organizations.
  2. From the navigation pane, click Migration to open the My Projects list.
  3. Create a new project or open an existing project.
  4. From the Power BI tile on the project dashboard click Open. Then select the Dashboard tab.
  5. Click Discover All Contents in the Dashboard menu. The New Discover All Contents Task wizard starts. Each step is described below:
  6. Discovery Options
    1. Refresh permissions - select this option to ensure that service principal permissions are up to date. Permissions can be refreshed once per hour. When service principal permissions are updated in Power BI, they may not be immediately available to API calls. This option ensures that service principal permissions are refreshed and fully updated.
    2. Continue From Last Discovery - select this option to continue the discovery of Power BI objects from the last discovery task if the task did not complete successfully. Selecting this option will help you save discovery time because the task can skip the objects already discovered.
    3. Click Next.
  7. Schedule
    1. Choose from one of three options to schedule the task. The scheduler will be activated after you complete the task wizard.
      • Run now - task runs immediately.
      • Run later - task must be started manually.
      • Schedule - task will be started at a future date and time entered in the corresponding calendar field.
    2. Click Next.
  8. Summary
    1. Verify the task specifications as described below:
      1. Name - name of the task. The default name is Discover All Contents. You can specify a custom name.
      2. Refresh permissions - indicates whether or not the Refresh permissions option has been selected.
      3. Scheduled start - date and time when the task will start. Now indicates that the task will start immediately.
    2. Click Back to revise or review a previous step or click Finish to complete the task wizard and start the task as scheduled.
  9. When the task completes, the Workspaces, Gateways and Connections lists are updated.

Discovering Workspaces

This section describes the steps to discover Power BI Workspaces.

  1. Log in to Quest On Demand and choose an organization if you have set up multiple organizations.
  2. From the navigation pane, click Migration to open the My Projects list.
  3. Create a new project or open an existing project.
  4. From the Power BI tile on the project dashboard click Open. Then select the Workspaces tab.
  5. Click Discover in the List View menu. The New Discover Workspaces Task wizard starts.
  6. Discovery Options
    1. Refresh permissions - select this option to ensure that service principal permissions are up to date. Permissions can be refreshed once per hour.When service principal permissions are updated in Power BI, they may not be immediately available to API calls. This option ensures that service principal permissions are refreshed and fully updated.
    2. Continue From Last Discovery - select this option to continue the discovery of Power BI objects from the last discovery task if the task did not complete successfully. Selecting this option will help you save discovery time because the task can skip the objects already discovered.
    3. Click Next.
  7. Schedule
    1. Choose from one of three options to schedule the task. The scheduler will be activated after you complete the task wizard.
      • Run now - task runs immediately.
      • Run later - task must be started manually.
      • Schedule - task will be started at a future date and time entered in the corresponding calendar field.
    2. Click Next.
  8. Summary
    1. Verify the task specifications as described below:
      1. Name - name of the task. The default name is Discover Workspaces. You can specify a custom name.
      2. Refresh permissions - indicates whether or not the Refresh permissions option has been selected.
      3. Scheduled start - date and time when the task will start. Now indicates that the task will start immediately.
    2. Click Back to revise or review a previous step or click Finish to complete the task wizard and start the task as scheduled.
  9. When the task completes, the Workspaces list is updated.

    NOTE: The discovery task discovers all supported and unsupported workspaces in the source tenant. The total number of workspaces discovered is indicated in the events list. However, only supported workspaces are listed in the Workspaces list.

Resetting Workspaces

If you delete a workspace in the target environment to recreate, rename, or simply start over again, the Reset Workspace action can reset the source workspace to the discovered state. This action removes mappings and all other dependencies to the target workspace. The steps to reset one or more workspaces are described below:

  1. Log in to Quest On Demand and choose an organization if you have multiple organizations.
  2. From the navigation pane, click Migration to open the My Projects list.
  3. Create a new project or open an existing project.
  4. Click Power BI from the project tiles, or click Open from the Power BI tile to open the Power BI migration workspace.
  5. Click the Workspaces tab and select one or more workspaces to reset.
  6. From the Actions menu, click More > Reset Workspace. The New Reset Workspace Task wizard starts. Each step is described below:
  7. Schedule
    1. Choose from one of three options to schedule the task. The scheduler will be activated after you complete the task wizard.
      • Run now - task runs immediately.
      • Run later - task must be started manually.
      • Schedule - task will be started at a future date and time entered in the corresponding calendar field.
    2. Click Next.
  8. Summary
    1. Verify the task specifications as described below:
      1. Name - name of the task. The default name is Reset Workspaces. You can specify a custom name.
      2. Scheduled start - date and time when the task will start. Now indicates that the task will start immediately.
  9. When the task completes, the workspace is rediscovered, and the Workspace State column value of the selected workspaces in the Workspaces list changes to Discovered

Discovering Gateways

This section describes the steps to discover Power BI Gateways.

  1. Log in to Quest On Demand and choose an organization if you have set up multiple organizations.
  2. From the navigation pane, click Migration to open the My Projects list.
  3. Create a new project or open an existing project.
  4. From the Power BI tile on the project dashboard click Open. Then select the Gateways tab.
  5. Click Discover in the List View menu. The New Discover Gateways Task wizard starts.
  6. Discovery Options
    1. Refresh permissions - select this option to ensure that service principal permissions are up to date. Permissions can be refreshed once per hour.When service principal permissions are updated in Power BI, they may not be immediately available to API calls. This option ensures that service principal permissions are refreshed and fully updated.
    2. Click Next.
  7. Schedule
    1. Choose from one of three options to schedule the task. The scheduler will be activated after you complete the task wizard.
      • Run now - task runs immediately.
      • Run later - task must be started manually.
      • Schedule - task will be started at a future date and time entered in the corresponding calendar field.
    2. Click Next.
  8. Summary
    1. Verify the task specifications as described below:
      1. Name - name of the task. The default name is Discover Gateways. You can specify a custom name.
      2. Refresh permissions - indicates whether or not the Refresh permissions option has been selected.
      3. Scheduled start - date and time when the task will start. Now indicates that the task will start immediately.
    2. Click Back to revise or review a previous step or click Finish to complete the task wizard and start the task as scheduled.
  9. When the task completes, the Gateways list is updated.

Discovering Connections

This section describes the steps to discover Power BI Connections.

To start the Discover Connections Task:

  1. Log in to Quest On Demand and choose an organization if you have set up multiple organizations.
  2. From the navigation pane, click Migration to open the My Projects list.
  3. Create a new project or open an existing project.
  4. From the Power BI tile on the project dashboard click Open. Then select the Connections tab.
  5. Click Discover in the List View menu. The New Discover Connections Task wizard starts.
  6. Discovery Options
    1. Refresh permissions - select this option to ensure that service principal permissions are up to date. Permissions can be refreshed once per hour.When service principal permissions are updated in Power BI, they may not be immediately available to API calls. This option ensures that service principal permissions are refreshed and fully updated.
    2. Click Next.
  7. Schedule
    1. Choose from one of three options to schedule the task. The scheduler will be activated after you complete the task wizard.
      • Run now - task runs immediately.
      • Run later - task must be started manually.
      • Schedule - task will be started at a future date and time entered in the corresponding calendar field.
    2. Click Next.
  8. Summary
    1. Verify the task specifications as described below:
      1. Name - name of the task. The default name is Discover Connections. You can specify a custom name.
      2. Refresh permissions - indicates whether or not the Refresh permissions option has been selected.
      3. Scheduled start - date and time when the task will start. Now indicates that the task will start immediately.
    2. Click Back to revise or review a previous step or click Finish to complete the task wizard and start the task as scheduled.
  9. When the task completes, the Connections list is updated.

Reviewing Tasks

  1. Open the Tasks tab.
  2. Select the discovery task that you want to review.
  3. In the task details pane that opens, review the information presented
  4. From the task details pane, click Download Premigration Report. Download and save the ZIP file to a suitable folder, and extract the report.

Reviewing events for a Task

  1. Open the Tasks tab.
  2. Select the task that you want to review.
  3. In the task details pane that opens, click Events (number). The Events tab opens with a filtered list of events for the selected task.
  4. Select an event that you want to review. In the task details pane that opens, the information presented is as described below:
    1. Object - name of the Power BI object if applicable.
    2. Task - name of the task.
    3. Time - date and time when the event occurred.

Collecting Statistics

The Collect Statistics Task for Power BI conducts an assessment of all Power BI content types in the source tenant. It provides summarized and detailed premigration information about workspace types, gateways, semantic models, connections, reports and users.

In this topic:


The Discover All Contents task must be run once before collecting statistics.

Starting a Collect Statistics Task

  1. Log in to Quest On Demand and choose an organization if you have multiple organizations.
  2. From the navigation pane, click Migration to open the My Projects list.
  3. Create a new project or open an existing project.
  4. Click the Power BI tile, or click Open from the Power BI tile to open the Power BI workspace.
  5. Select the Dashboard tab. Click Collect Statistics from the Actions menu. The New Collect Statistics Task wizard starts. Each step is described below:
  6. Schedule
    1. Choose from one of three options to schedule the task. The scheduler will be activated only after you complete the task wizard.
      • Run now - task runs immediately.
      • Run later - task must be started manually.
      • Schedule - task will be started at a future date and time entered in the corresponding calendar field.
    2. Click Next.
  7. Summary
    1. Verify the task specifications as described below:
      1. Name - name of the task. You can specify a custom name. Default name is Collect Statistics Task.
      2. Scheduled start - date and time when the task will start. Now indicates that the task will start immediately.
    2. Click Back to revise or review a previous step or click Finish to complete the task wizard and start the task as scheduled.

Reviewing the Collect Statistics Task

  1. Open the Tasks tab.
  2. Select the Collect Statistics task that you want to review.
  3. In the task details pane that opens, the information presented is as described below:
    1. Task Status - Indicates whether the task is completed.
    2. Type - Type of the task. The type is CollectStatistics.
    3. Created - Date and time when the task was created.
    4. Modified - Date and time when the task was last updated.
    5. Status - State of the task.
    6. Last Operation - The action that was most recently performed in this task.
    7. Schedule - Date and time when the task started. Now indicates that the task started immediately after the task was created.
    8. Events (number) - The number of events that the task encountered.
    9. From the task details pane, click Download Premigration Report. Download and save the ZIP file to a suitable folder, and extract the report.

Reviewing the events for the Collect Statistics Task

  1. Open the Tasks tab.
  2. Select the Collect Statistics task that you want to review.
  3. In the task details pane that opens, click Events (number). The Events tab opens with a filtered list of events for the selected task.
  4. Select an event that you want to review. In the task details pane that opens, the information presented is as described below:
    1. Object - name of the Power BI object if applicable.
    2. Task - name of the task.
    3. Time - date and time when the event occurred.

Managing Power BI objects with Collections

Migrating large numbers of Power BI objects requires careful planing. Organize the Power BI objects into collections to make large lists more manageable. Collections can be created for Workspaces, Gateways, Connections and Connection Profiles. The process described below is common to all Power BI objects.

Working with the Collections Dashboard

The Collections Dashboard shows the collection-specific summary, allows you to see Power BI objects added to it, create tasks for them, and monitor the progress of tasks.

  • To add Power BI objects to a collection see Adding Power BI objects to Collections.
  • To view the collection dashboard for an existing collection
    1. From the project dashboard, click Open in the Power BI tile to open the Power BI migration workspace.
    2. From the top-right corner of the workspace, click Select Collection and then select the collection to view. The collection Dashboard is displayed.
    3. Open the Power BI tab. You will see the list of Power BI objects that belong to the collection.
  • To see the tasks related to a collection, select the collection. Then open the Tasks tab from the collections dashboard.
  • To see the events related to a collection, select the collection. Then open the Events tab from the collections dashboard.
  • To remove Power BI objects from a collection, see Removing Power BI objects from Collections.
  • To rename a collection, select the collection. Then click Rename Collection in the Actions toolbar of the collections dashboard.
  • To delete a collection, select the collection. Then click More > Delete Collection in the Actions toolbar of the collections dashboard.
  • To return to the BI migration workspace, click the collection dropdown at the top-right corner of the page, and select Show All.

Adding Power BI objects to Collections

You can add Power BI objects to collections in several ways:

To add selected Power BI objects to a new collection:

  1. From the project dashboard, click Open in the Power BI tile to open the Power BI migration workspace.
  2. Click a Power BI object tab and select the Power BI objects you want to add to the collection.
  3. From the Actions toolbar, click New Collection. The New Collection dialog opens.
  4. Enter a collection name in the Collection name field and click Save to add the selected Power BI objects to the collection.

To add selected Power BI objects to an existing collection:

  1. From the project dashboard, click Open in the Power BI tile to open the Power BI migration workspace.
  2. Click a Power BI object tab and select the Power BI objects you want to add to an existing collection.
  3. From the actions toolbar, click More > Add To Collection. The Add to existing collection dialog opens.
  4. Select a collection from the Collection name dropdown and click Save to add the selected Power BI objects to the collection.

To add Power BI objects from a CSV file to a new or existing collection:

This is a two-step process as described below to add Power BI objects to an existing collection from a Power BI object tab:

Prepare the CSV file

NOTE: CSV file names with non-ASCII characters are not supported. Power BI objects in the CSV that have not been discovered cannot be added to a collection.

Use the format shown below to prepare the CSV file. The minimal set of columns are described below.

  • ObjectName - specify the name of the Power BI object. If you provide this value, specifying the ObjectId is optional.

    NOTE: If there are rows with the same ObjectName, only the last row will be added to the collection.

  • ObjectId - provide the GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) of the Power BI object. If you include this value, then ObjectName is optional.

    NOTE: Use the Premigration report to get the Object Ids.

    Alternatively, the Object Id GUID can be obtained from the Power BI service application https://app.powerbi.com, or by using the Power BI REST API https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/power-bi. Try Get Groups for Workspaces, Get Gateways for Gateways and Get Datasources for Connections. For workspace ObjectId open the workspace and copy the GUID from the URL.

  • ObjectType - enter the type of the Power BI object. The options are Workspace, Gateway, Connection, or Userprofiles. This field is required.
  • CollectionName - provide the name of the collection. This field is required. If a collection name specified in the CSV file does not exist, a new collection will be created with the specified name .

Import the CSV file

  1. Click the Power BI tile, or click Open from the Power BI tile to open the Power BI workspace.
  2. Open a Power Bi object tab.
  3. From the actions toolbar, click More > Import Collections. The New Import Collections From File Task dialog opens.

  4. Mapping File
    1. Click Browse and select the CSV file. The selected CSV file name appears.
  5. Schedule
    1. Choose from one of three options to schedule the task. The scheduler will be activated after you complete the task wizard.
      • Run now - task runs immediately.
      • Run later - task must be started manually.
      • Schedule - task will be started at a future date and time entered in the corresponding calendar field.
    2. Click Next.
  6. Summary
    1. Verify the task specifications as described below:
      1. Name - name of the task. The default name is Import Collections From File. You can specify a custom name.
      2. Scheduled start - date and time when the task will start. Now indicates that the task will start immediately.
    2. Click Back to revise or review a previous step or click Finish to complete the task wizard and start the task as scheduled.
    3. Click Finish.

To verify the addition of a Power BI object to a collection:

  1. Check the Collections column in the Workspaces List View, Gateways List View, Connections List View or the Connection Profiles List View that indicates the most recent collection where the corresponding Power BI object has been added and the number of additional collections that also contain the Power BI object.
  2. Select a Power BI from the list view to open the Power BI object Detail pane. Check the Collections property that lists all the collections where the Power BI object has been added.

Removing Power BI objects from Collections

  1. From the project dashboard, click Open in the Power BI tile to open the Power BI migration workspace.
  2. From the top-right corner of the migration workspace, click Select Collection. Then select a collection to open the collections dashboard.
  3. Select an object tab. Then from the list view, select the objects that you want to remove from the collection.
  4. From the actions toolbar, click Remove from Collection.
  5. In the confirmation dialog click Remove to remove the selected Power BI objects from the collection.
  6. To return to the BI migration workspace, click the collection dropdown at the top-right corner of the page, and select Show All.

Creating and Assigning Connection Profiles

A connection profile is a named set of credentials that is assigned to discovered Connections before they can be migrated. These credentials are required by Microsoft Power BI to read the source data and create the Connection in the target tenant.

NOTE: Creating a Connection Profile requires credentials that are securely stored in the On Demand Migration repository. It is recommended to create a profile when Connections are expected to be migrated. When you complete the Connection migration, you may delete the Connection Profile to remove the credentials from the On Demand Migration repository.

See the On Demand Migration - PowerBI security guide for more information about how On Demand Migration secures sensitive information.

To create profiles

  1. Log in to Quest On Demand and choose an organization if you have set up multiple organizations.
  2. From the navigation pane, click Migration to open the My Projects list.
  3. Create a new project or open an existing project.
  4. From the Power BI tile on the project dashboard click Open. Then select the Connection Profiles tab.
  5. Click Create in the List View menu. The Create New Connection Profile Task wizard starts.
  6. Connection Profile
    1. Specify the information for the fields described below:
      • User name - unique identifier associated with an individual user permitted to access the connection in the format domain\user.
      • Password - password to verify the identity of the user.
      • Profile name - name of the connection profile. If you use the name of an existing profile, you can modify the profile by selecting the Overwrite existing option.
      • Overwrite existing - select this option to alter a profile with the same name if it exists.
    2. Click Next.
  7. Schedule
    1. Choose from one of three options to schedule the task. The scheduler will be activated after you complete the task wizard.
      • Run now - task runs immediately.
      • Run later - task must be started manually.
      • Schedule - task will be started at a future date and time entered in the corresponding calendar field.
    2. Click Next.
  8. Summary
    1. Verify the task specifications as described below:
      1. Name - name of the task. The default name is New Connection Profile. You can specify a custom name.
      2. User name - unique identifier of a user permitted to access the connection.
      3. Profile name - name of the connection profile.
      4. Overwrite existing - indicates whether or not a preexisting profile must be modified if it exists.
      5. Scheduled start - date and time when the task will start. Now indicates that the task will start immediately.
    2. Click Back to revise or review a previous step or click Finish to complete the task wizard and start the task as scheduled.

To assign profiles

  1. From the Power BI workspace select the Connections tab.
  2. Select one or more Connections. You can select a Connection that is already assigned if you want to change the profile assigned to the Connection, or you can select an unassigned Connection.
  3. Click Assign Connection Profile in the List View menu. The New Connection Profile Task wizard starts.
  4. Connection Profile
    1. Assign an existing connection profile - select this option to assign an existing connection profile.
      • Select a connection profile - click the dropdown and select a connection profile.
    2. Assign a new connection profile - select this option to create and assign a new connection profile. Specify the information for the fields described below:
      • User name - unique identifier associated with an individual user permitted to access the connection in the format domain\user.
      • Password - password to verify the identity of the user.
      • Profile name - name of the connection profile. If you use the name of an existing profile, you can modify the profile by selecting the Overwrite existing option.
      • Overwrite existing - select this option to alter a profile with the same name if it exists.
    3. Click Next.
  5. Schedule
    1. Choose from one of three options to schedule the task. The scheduler will be activated after you complete the task wizard.
      • Run now - task runs immediately.
      • Run later - task must be started manually.
      • Schedule - task will be started at a future date and time entered in the corresponding calendar field.
    2. Click Next.
  6. Summary
    1. Verify the task specifications as described below:
      1. Name - name of the task. The default name is Assign Connection Profile. You can specify a custom name.
      2. User name - unique identifier of a user permitted to access the connection.
      3. Profile name - name of the connection profile.
      4. Overwrite existing - indicates whether or not a preexisting profile must be modified if it exists.
      5. Scheduled start - date and time when the task will start. Now indicates that the task will start immediately.
    2. Click Back to revise or review a previous step or click Finish to complete the task wizard and start the task as scheduled.
  7. When the task completes, the selected Connections will be assigned to a named profile. The Assigned Connection Profile column value in the List View will be set to the profile name.
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