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SharePlex 11.4 - Reference Guide

About this guide Conventions used in this guide Revision History SharePlex Commands for Oracle SharePlex parameters SharePlex Commands for PostgreSQL SharePlex Parameters for PostgreSQL General SharePlex utilities Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SharePlex environment variables

view log options

Use the view log options command to view the default values for the show log command.

Example display:

sp_ctrl(sysA)> view log options

Log current display options:

direction = reverse

maxlines = 50

lpp = 30

These parameters can be changed with the set log command, or with options within the show log command itself.


Supported sources: Oracle
Supported targets: All
Authorization level: Viewer (3)
Issued for: source or target system
Related commands: set log, show log


Basic command Remote options
view log options

[ on host |

on host:portnumber |

on login/password@host |

on login/password@host:portnumber ]

Remote options

These options enable you to issue the command on a remote machine and to script commands that include a login name, password, port number, or combination of those items.

Option Description
on host

Execute the command on a remote system (one other than the one where the current sp_ctrl session is running). You are prompted for login credentials for the remote system. If used, must be the last component of the command syntax.

Example: sp_ctrl(sysB)>status on SysA

on host:portnumber

Execute the command on a remote system when a remote login and port number must be provided. If used, must be the last component of the command syntax.

Example: sp_ctrl(sysB)>status on SysA:8304

on login/password@host

Execute the command on a remote system when a remote login, password, and host name must be provided. If used, must be the last component of the command syntax.

Example:sp_ctrl(sysB)>status on john/spot5489@SysA

on login/password@host:portnumber

Execute the command on a remote system when a remote login, password, host name, and port number must be provided. If used, must be the last component of the command syntax.

Example: sp_ctrl(sysB)>status on john/spot5489@SysA:8304

view partitions

Use the view partitions command to view the row partitions in one partition scheme or all partition schemes in a horizontally partitioned replication configuration.

For more information about how to configure horizontally partitioned replication, see the SharePlex Administration Guide.


Supported sources: Oracle
Supported targets: All
Authorization level: Operator (2)
Issues on: source system
Related commands: Add partition, Drop partition, Drop partition scheme, Modify partition


Basic command Remote options

view partitions for {scheme_name | all}

Not available
Syntax description
Component Description
scheme_name Show the row partitions for the specified partition scheme.

Show all row partitions, grouped according to the names of their partition schemes.


sp_ctrl> view partitions for scheme1

sp_ctrl> view partitions all

SharePlex parameters

SharePlex parameters control and tune various aspects of replication.

For instructions on setting parameters, see the SharePlex Administration Guide.


Descriptions of user-configurable parameters

This section describes the user-configurable SharePlex parameters. Parameters not documented in this chapter are internal parameters that should only be modified under guidance of a Quest developer or Technical Support representative.

Parameters are grouped as follows:

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