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Foglight 6.1.0 - Installing Foglight on a UNIX System with an External Oracle Database

Before Installing Foglight Installing Foglight
Preparing to install Installing a new version of the Management Server Installed directories Foglight settings HP patch checking tool Uninstalling Foglight Upgrading the Management Server Installing Foglight FAQ
Running the Management Server Installing and Upgrading Cartridges Installing Agents

Step 8: Foglight administrator password

Step 8: Foglight administrator password
In the Foglight Administrator Password box, accept the default password (foglight) or type an alternate one.
In the Retype Administrator Password box, accept the default (foglight) or, if you have provided an alternate password in step 1, retype the password for verification.
Optional — To run Foglight in secure mode (HTTPS) only, select the Secure Server (HTTPS Only) check box.
Click Next.

Step 9: Foglight mode

Step 9: Foglight mode
Select the server mode. The options are Standalone (the default) or HA (High Availability).
Click Next.

Step 10: FIPS Compliance mode

Step 10: FIPS Compliance mode

This step allows you to enable FIPS Compliance mode. Select the checkbox if you want to enable FIPS compliance mode.

Step 11: Foglight repository database type

Step 11: Foglight repository database type

This step allows you to select the Foglight database type. If you are configuring Foglight to use an external database, the database must exist before you complete this step.At the completion of this step, the installer creates the user (foglight is the default user ID) in the database and sets the appropriate permissions.

Select Oracle (External database) and then click Next. See the following section for instructions.
Oracle® external database

If the Management Server you are installing is configured to be part of an HA cluster, you must also configure it to connect to the same database instance as all other members of the cluster. This typically means that you set Host and TNS Port to the same values as those used for the other members. In some rare cases, certain settings might be different. For example, the value for Host might be different if there is a firewall between the database and certain members of the cluster in your environment.

In the Host box, type the host name or IP address where the Oracle® instance will run (the default is localhost).
In the TNS Port field, specify a port number or accept the default (1521). This is the TCP/IP port used by the TNS listener on the host machine.
In the SID field, type the service ID for the Oracle instance.
In the Foglight Repository User Name box, accept the default user ID or type an alternate one. The Management Server uses this account to connect to the database.
In the Foglight Repository User Account Password box, accept the default password or type an alternate one. The Management Server uses this password to connect to the database
In the Foglight Repository User Account Retype Password box, accept the default or, if you have provided an alternate password in step 5, retype the password for verification.
Click Next.
The Tablespaces dialog box appears.
Click Next.
Select one of the following Repository Creation options:
If you select Manually create the repository database, there are two methods you can use to create the database. For more information, see Manual database configuration.
If you select Automatically create the repository database, select the Repository Administrator Account Authentication Method, and then type the Repository Administrator Account User Name and Password. The Management Server uses the administrator account credentials to create the Oracle database.
IMPORTANT: If the Management Server you are installing is configured to be part of an HA cluster, you must set the Repository Administrator Account User Name and Password to the same values as those used for the other Management Servers that share the same HA partition name.
Click Next.
If you chose Manually create the repository database in step 10, and did not create the database at that time, an error message appears. For more information, see Manual database configuration.
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