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다음 문서의 설명에 따라 문제를 해결할 수 있습니다.
Active Directory Share Added
Created when an Active Directory share has been added to a server.
Active Directory Share Removed
Created when an Active Directory share has been removed from a server.
Append Parent Suffixes Option Changed
Created when the append parent suffixes of the primary DNS suffix option is changed.
Application Partition Replica Added
Created when a DN for an application partition is added to the msDS-hasMasterNCs attribute of an nTDSDSA object.
Application Partition Replica Removed
Created when a DN for an application partition is removed from the msDS-hasMasterNCs attribute of an nTDSDSA object.
Connection DNS Registration Option Changed
Created when the register connection in DNS option on a network connection is changed.
Connection Object Added
Created when an nTDSConnection object is added to the NTDS Settings container.
Connection Object Removed
Created when an nTDSConnection object is removed from the NTDS Settings container.
Connection-specific DNS Suffix Changed
Created when the connection-specific DNS suffix changes.
Contents of DNS Server List Changed
Created when a DNS server is added or removed from the DNS server list.
Contents of DNS Suffix List Changed
Created when a suffix is added or removed from the DNS suffix list.
Contents of WINS Server List Changed
Created when a server is added or removed from the WINS server list.
Critical Link Failures Allowed Parameter Changed
Created when the CriticalLinkFailuresAllowed parameter on a DC is changed.
Default Gateway Changed
Created when the default gateway changes on a network connection.
DHCP Disabled
Created when DHCP is disabled on a network connection.
DHCP Enabled
Created when DHCP is enabled on a network connection.
DIT Location Changed
Created when the directory path of the DIT is changed.
Domain Controller Added as Preferred Bridgehead Server
Created when a domain controller is configured as a preferred bridgehead server for a particular replication transport.
Domain Controller Moved to Another OU
Created when a domain controller is moved to another OU.
Domain Controller Removed as Preferred Bridgehead Server
Created when a domain controller is removed as a preferred bridgehead server for a particular replication transport.
Domain Controller Service Pack Applied
Created when a service pack is applied to a domain controller.
Domain Controller Service Pack Rolled Back
Created when a service pack is removed from a domain controller.
DS Database Logging and Recover Option Changed
Created when the logging and recovery option of Active Directory is changed.
DS Hierarchy Table Evaluation Interval Changed
Created when the hierarchy table evaluation interval on the DC is changed.
DS Log File Location Changed
Created when the directory path of the DS log file is changed.
Hotfix Applied
Created when a hot fix is applied.
Hotfix Rolled Back
Created when a hot fix is removed. (Disabled by Default)
Intersite Failures Allowed Parameter Changed
Created when the IntersiteFailuresAllowed parameter is changed on a DC.
IP Deny List Entry Added
Created when an entry is added to the IP deny list of an LDAP query policy object.
IP Deny List Entry Removed
Created when an entry is removed from the IP deny list of an LDAP query policy object.
IPSEC Settings Changed
Created when the IPSEC settings for a network connection are changed.
KCC Delay After Startup Changed
Created when the amount of time the KCC delays after startup before re-computing the replication topology is changed.
KCC Site Generator Failover Interval Changed
Created when the interval after which a new Intersite Topology Generator (ISTG) is nominated if no ISTG identity is updated in the directory is changed.
KCC Site Generator Renewal Interval Changed
Created when the interval at which the Intersite Topology Generator (ISTG) publishes its identity in the directory is changed.
KCC Update Interval Changed
Created when the interval at which the KCC on the domain controller runs is changed.
Kerberos Diagnostic Log Level Changed
Created when the diagnostic log level for the Kerberos service is changed.
Linked Query Policy for Domain Controller Changed
Created when the lDAPAdminLimits attribute of a query policy object referred to by the querypolicyObject attribute of the nTDSDSA object for the domain controller was changed.
Max Failure Time for Intersite Link Parameter Changed
Created when the MaxFailureTimeForIntersiteLink value is changed on a domain controller.
Max Failure Time for Non-critical Link Parameter Changed
Created when the Maximum Failure Time value for non-critical links is changed on a domain controller.
MaxFailureTimeForCritical Link Parameter Changed
Created when the MaxFailureTimeForCriticalLink parameter is changed on a domain controller.
Maximum Number of DS Threads Changed
Created when the number of threads used by the DS service is changed.
NetBIOS Setting Changed
Created when the NETBIOS setting on a network connection is changed.
NIC Added
Created when a NIC is added to the host computer.
NIC Disabled
Created when a NIC is disabled on the host computer.
NIC Enabled
Created when a NIC is enabled on the host computer.
NIC Removed
Created when a NIC is removed from the host computer.
Non-critical Link Failures Allowed Flag Changed
Created when the Non-critical Link Failures value is changed on a domain controller.
Preferred Bridgehead Setting Changed
Created when the bridgeheadTransportList attribute of a server is changed.
Processor Speed Changed
Created when the processor speed of the DC is changed.
Query Policy Link for Domain Controller Changed
Created when the queryPolicyObject attribute of the nTDSDSA is changed.
Query Policy Setting Changed
Created when query policy settings of an existing query policy object have changed.
Raw IP Allowed Protocols List Changed
Created when the contents of the Raw IP Allowed Protocols list are changed.
Replicator Notify Pause After Modify Delay Changed
Created when the notify pause value is changed on a domain controller.
Schema Modifications Allowed Flag Changed
Created when a domain controller is configured to allow schema modifications.
Static IP Address Changed
Created when the static IP address changes on a network connection.
Subnet Mask Changed
Created when the subnet mask changes on a network connection.
SYSVOL Location Changed
Created when the SYSVOL location is changed on a domain controller.
TCP Allowed Port List Changed
Created when the contents of the TCP Allowed Port list are changed.
TCP/IP Filtering Changed
Created when the TCP/IP Filtering option is changed on a network connection.
UDP Allowed Port List Changed
Created when the contents of the UDP Allowed Port list are changed.
Update DNS on All Adapters Setting Changed
Created when Active Directory’s setting that controls the adapters on which a DC updates DNS is changed.
Use Connection Suffix in DNS Registration Option Changed
Created when the use this connection’s DNS suffix in DNS registration option is changed.
Use LMHOSTS Option Changed
Created when the LMHOSTS option on a network connection is changed.
Use of Dynamic DNS Changed
Created when Active Directory’s use of dynamic DNS has been changed.
Use Primary and Connection Specific Suffixes Flag Changed
Created when the primary and connection-specific suffixes flag changes on a domain controller.
Connection Object From-server Changed
Created when the from-server of a connection object is changed.
Connection Object Schedule Changed
Created when a change is detected in the schedule attribute of a connection object.
Connection Object Transport Changed
Created when the transport type of a connection object is changed.
<Object> <Attribute> Changed
Created when an attribute changes on an object that the user has opted to audit using the Active Directory Attribute Auditing page on the Administration Tasks tab in the Change Auditor client.
To eliminate duplicate events, you can remove the user attribute from the Active Directory Attribute Auditing page which prevents the custom attribute event from being generated.
Computer Changed
Created when an object is added, moved, removed, or renamed in a computer object.
Group Changed
Created when an object is added, moved, removed, or renamed in a group object.
User Changed
Created when an object is added, moved, removed, or renamed in a user object.
AdminCount attribute changed on computer object
Created when the adminCount attribute is changed on a computer.
Computer Account Disabled
Created when the computer account is disabled.
Computer Account Enabled
Created when the computer account is enabled.
Computer Added
Created when a computer account object is added to the domain.
Computer Moved
Created when a computer account object is moved within the domain.
Computer Removed
Created when a computer account object is removed from the domain.
Computer Renamed
Created when a computer account object is renamed.
Computer Service Pack Applied
Created when a service pack is applied to the computer.
Computer Service Pack Rolled Back
Created when a service pack is uninstalled from the computer.
DACL Changed on Computer Object
Created when the DACL is changed for the computer object.
Dynamic Computer Object Added
Created when a dynamic computer object is added to a container.
Dynamic Computer Object Changed
Created when a dynamic computer object is modified.
Dynamic Computer Object Removed
Created when a dynamic computer object is removed from a container.
Inheritance Setting Changed on Computer Object
Created when the inheritance setting of a computer object is changed.
Irregular domain controller registration activity detected
Created when irregular domain controller registration activity detected on a computer.
DCShadow is a command within Mimikatz that simulates the behavior of a domain controller to push changes to an Active Directory domain through replication, bypassing most of the common security controls.
The following SPN serviceclass values are considered suspicious, and the event is generated when they are added to the servicePrincipalName attribute:
Owner Changed on Computer Object
Created when the owner of a computer object is changed.
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