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NetVault Plug-in for Oracle 12.2 - User Guide

Introducing Quest® NetVault® Backup Plug-in  for Oracle Defining a backup strategy Installing and removing the plug-in Configuring the plug-in Backing up data Using the Oracle Flashback Database Restoring data
Restoring and recovering data: an overview Performing User Managed restores Using advanced User Managed restore procedures Performing RMAN restores Using RMAN types of recovery in a non-RAC environment Using advanced procedures with RMAN restores
Maintaining the Recovery Catalog Using the RMAN CLI Using the Plug-in with Oracle RAC Using the Plug-in in a failover cluster environment Using the plug-in with Oracle Data Guard Using the plug-in with Oracle Container Databases (CDBs) and Pluggable Databases (PDBs) Troubleshooting

Removing the plug-in

On the Manage Clients page, select the applicable client, and click Manage.
In the Installed Software table on the View Client page, select Plug‑in for Oracle, and click the Remove Plugin button ().
In the Confirm dialog box, click Remove.

Configuring the plug-in

Configuring a default Target Set for RMAN backups

To designate the target device for Oracle RMAN CLI-initiated backups, you can configure a default backup Target Set. The default backup Target Set is specified in the configuration of the plug-in’s default attributes.

In the Navigation pane, click Create Backup Job.
You can also start the wizard from the Guided Configuration link. In the Navigation pane, click Guided Configuration. On the NetVault Configuration Wizard page, click Create backup jobs.
Next to the Target Storage list, click Create New.
Click Device Selection, and select the Specify devices option.
On the Backup Job Wizard - Create Target Set page, click Save.
On the Create New Set dialog box, specify a user-defined name, and click Save.

Configuring default settings

The plug-in lets you set default options for backup and restore jobs. You can override these options on a per-job basis.

In the Navigation Pane, click Create Backup Job, and click Create New next to the Selections list.
From the Actions list, select Configure.
Use Oracle Password File Authentication: Oracle supports two methods to authenticate DBAs or SYSDBA users: OS authentication and password-file authentication. Select this option to enable the password file as the authentication method. Oracle’s OS authentication takes precedence over password-file authentication; that is, if the requirements for OS authentication are met, even if you use a password file, the user is authenticated by OS authentication.
connect target <SYSDBA User>/<password>@<connect identifier>
Flash Recovery Area Enabled: Select this option when FRA has been enabled for all the databases that reside on the Oracle Database Server where the plug-in has been installed. When this option is selected, Flash Recovery Area Backups and Backup Destination options are available. For more information on available FRA features, see Reviewing the other backup types and Defining a Backup Destination strategy.
Oracle SYSDBA User Name: Specify the default Oracle user with SYSDBA privileges that is used by the plug-in to connect to the database.
NLS_LANG: Select the character set that matches the National Language Support (NLS) Language or NLS_LANGUAGE parameter for the databases residing on this Oracle Database Server. The NLS_LANGUAGE parameter specifies the default language of the database. This language is used for messages, day and month names, symbols for AD, BC, a.m., and p.m., and the default sorting mechanism.
To determine the current NLS_LANGUAGE parameter for the database, issue the following command from SQL*Plus as a SYSDBA user:
Incomplete backup of ALL items selected: When multiple items are included in a backup, and the plug-in is unable to back up all the items selected even if RMAN has successfully cataloged some of the selected items, the plug-in lets you specify what action the backup should take. For example, if a job includes multiple tablespaces and archived redo logs, and the backup of archive logs is unsuccessful while the tablespaces are backed up successfully, you can specify what action the backup job should take.
Plug‑in for Oracle can do one of the following when this error condition occurs:
Complete with Warnings — Saveset Retained: The job returns a status of “Backup Completed with warnings” and a backup saveset is created that includes the items that were successfully backed up.
Complete without Warnings — Saveset Retained: The job completes and returns a status of “Backup Completed.” The errors are logged in the NetVault Backup binary logs and ignored on the Job Status page. A backup saveset is created that includes the items that were backed up.
Fail — Saveset Retained: The job returns a status of “Backup Failed.” However, a backup saveset is generated that includes the items that were successfully backed up.
Fail — No Saveset Retained: The job returns a status of “Backup Failed” and no saveset of backed-up objects is kept. That is, even if some of the objects were successfully backed up, the saveset is discarded.
Use Catalog for RMAN Based Backups: Select this option to specify that a Recovery Catalog database is used for maintaining a record of all RMAN backup operations performed with this plug-in.
Catalog Instance Name: Enter the Oracle Instance name — which might differ from the Oracle Net Service name — for the default Recovery Catalog database. This instance name must be defined in the “tnsnames.ora” file on the Oracle Database Server so that the plug-in can connect to the Recovery Catalog database.
NOTE: If you upgraded from a version of the plug-in before 7.0, the Catalog Instance Name field is labeled Catalog Net Service Name.
Catalog Owner: Specify the user that was defined as the owner of the Catalog and was granted the RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER role.
User Managed Raw Devices Blocking Factor (KB): For User Managed backups only, use this field to set the Block Read units for quicker User Managed backups of raw devices. The value can be between 1 kilobyte (KB) and 64KB; for example, if you enter 8 in this field, the plug-in would read 8KB chunks of data at a time while taking backups.
NetVault Backup Server (required for RMAN Backups): Specify the name of the NetVault Backup Server where the Oracle Database Server was added as a NetVault Backup Client.
Do Restore from NetVault Backup Server (required for RMAN Backups): Specify the name of the NetVault Backup Server where the Oracle Database Server was added as a NetVault Backup Client.
Restore Backup taken from NetVault Backup Client: When a restore is performed by the plug-in from a terminal session, this field indicates the NetVault Backup Client from which the original backup was performed. If no client name is entered, the restore command defaults to the local NetVault Backup Machine Name performing the restore. For a complete description of this functionality, see CLI-based RMAN backups and restores: an overview.
CLI Backup/Autobackup Advanced Options Set: This option requires that you first create a set of desired options on the Advanced Options tab, and then save it with a specific name. To have all CLI-based RMAN backups automatically use the Advanced Options specified in this set, enter the name of this set in the text box. If a set name is not specified, all CLI-based RMAN backups use the default Advanced Options.
When defining the CLI Backup/Autobackup Advanced Options Set, the Discard After Days/Weeks/Years option must be specified instead of the Discard After Full Backups in the Backup Life section of the Advanced Options tab. CLI-based RMAN backups do not support backup-life generation for Full Backups and backups might expire unexpectedly if the Discard After Full Backups option is specified.
CLI Backup/Autobackup Target Set (required for RMAN Backups): Specify the name of the Target Set that was created in Configuring a default Target Set for RMAN backups.
Slave Connection Timeout (minutes - 0 = Never): Use this option to set an amount, in minutes, that serves as an inoperability timeout between the plug-in and the Oracle database. If the plug-in senses no activity for this length of time during a backup, it times out and disconnects from the backup. The default entry of zero (“0”) indicates that no timeout exists.
Generate Script Default Directory: Enter the full path name of the default directory where RMAN-generated scripts are stored. This directory is used as the default directory for the Generate RMAN Script feature available on all Backup Options and Restore Options tabs.
Generate Sbt trace to Oracle Dump Directory: Select this option to send the System Backup to Tape (SBT) trace information to the Oracle dump directory. You can then review the log file to see the sequence of trace commands that were run by the Oracle Server.
CLI will not check Quest NetVault Backup Server name: Select this option if you do not want the RMAN CLI to verify that the specified NetVault Backup Server is available and can be contacted. Do not select this option if you want to ensure that backup jobs do not time out while trying to process a job for an unknown NetVault Backup Server.
Preferred Phase for Restores (0 = default): The Advanced Options section of the Create Backup Job page lets you create a Secondary Copy of a backup using either the Duplicate or Data Copy option. When you restore an RMAN backup, use this field to indicate which backup phase you prefer to use to complete the restore if the applicable backup set from the phase is available. The default entry of 0 indicates that NetVault Backup automatically chooses the copy to which it has easier access, phase 1 or phase 2. To instruct NetVault Backup to use the original (phase 1) backup if it is available, enter a 1. To instruct NetVault Backup to use the Secondary Copy (phase 2) for a Data Copy backup if it is available, enter a 2.
Maximum Number of Objects in Contents Courtesy List (x100 - 0 = all): Use this field to specify a maximum number of items that the plug-in displays on the Backup Contents tab of Restore Options. Limiting the number of items reduces the amount of memory used during runtime when the plug-in generates the backup index. The value that you enter is multiplied by a factor of 100. For example, if you enter 50, the maximum is 5000. To specify no limit, that is, display all items, enter 0. Quest recommends that you enter 0 and change the entry only if the plug-in encounters failures during backups while generating the backup index or Restore Options.
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