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What are EriAgent.exe and OnlineRestoreAdapter.exe used for?
When using the agent based restore in the online restore wizard the console will copy eriagent.exe, onlinerestoreadapter.exe (and LsaHlp.dll) to C:\Windows\RecoveryManagerAD on the domain controller. What are these .exe files used for during the restore process?
해결 방안
The EriAgent.exe is the installer service and is used to inject LsaHlp.dll on the system. LsaHlp.dll is the main component of the Agent Based restore method and is used to write data directly into the AD DIT file. The OnlineRestoreAdapter is used as a proxy by the console to the DC. The console cannot connect to LsaHlp directly due to lack of permissions, however the console can connect to the OnlineRestoreAdapter and then the adapter interacts with LsaHlp.