Can just Source and Target objects be matched without synchronization of any or some attributes for an Exchange Data Migration? When performing the matching using the synchronization job without any modifications, object attributes are being changed in Target or Source domains depending on the synchronization direction.
Attached to this article, the skipall_attrib.xml script skips all the attributes which can be safely skipped from synchronization or migration in both directions Source to Target and back. Service attributes needed for the DSA are always populated.
If in your environment DSA is using other than Extension Attributes 14 and 15 please refer to the ReadMe.htm file attached on the instructions how to modify <!--Specify here the service attributes by classes--> section.
1. Download the skipall_attrib.xml file.
2. For the synchronization job include the script on Synchronization Properties - Advanced Options, select Use Custom Add-In field.
3. For the Migration session include the script on the Object Processing Options - select Use Custom Add-In field.
4. Click the Browse button to locate the skip_all_attrib.xml script and click OK.
-The Script is designed for object merging only and new objects creation is not going to work unless the script is modified. Please refer to the Resolution 2 and Read Me file for more information.
-Please remember to include this script on every migration session when matching of objects is the goal or it will overwrite all the attributes on the target.
This script can be modified to synchronize 2 attributes for each objects class. Please review the ReadMe.htm file attached for the information on modification of this script. In order to enable the creation of new objects the synchronization of "name" attribute needs to be enabled for every object class.
The new object creation is going to work in Windows 2003 target environment only.
When modifying the script attribute names are CASE SENSITIVE and apostrophe is required.
Correct examples: " 'scriptPath' ", " 'homeDirectory' "
Incorrect examples: "scriptpath", " 'homedirectory' "
This file is provided on an as is basis and any modifications to the file are not Supported by the Technical Support department and can be addressed on the individual basis using our Custom Development resources. Please contact your Account Manager.
-If both RESOLUTION 1 or RESOLUTION 2 are used at the same time with the GUI way of skipping attributes on the Domain Pair properties the script already skips all attributes so settings configured on the skipping dialog of Domain Pair properties are useless. There were no additional tests performed but this can potentially slow the cycle so not recommended.
The intention of this script is for Sync matching in a Merged Scenario, it was not designed with object creation, group membership synchronization or Mailbox Enabling in mind. For these tasks a custom solution is required please contact your Quest Engagement Manager**
NOTE: Password Synchronization is still handled by the settings within the Migration Manager UI. The Addin does not exclude passwords from being synchronized.
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