Use the adccfgdb.exe tool to reset the authentication type and the SA password. The utility can be found in the following paths:
C:\Program Files(x86)\Quest Software\InTrust\Server\ADC\SupportTools
adccfgdb.exe [/auth {SQL|NT}] [/server <sqlhostname\sqlinstance>] [/database <dbname>] [/user <username>] [/password <pwd>|{*}]
sqlhostname\sqlinstance - SQL Server name
dbname - Database name
username - user name, used in SQL authentication mode
pwd - password, used in SQL authentication mode
* - interactive password
To reset the SA password, please use the following command line parameters
adccfgdb.exe /auth SQL /server <sqlhostname\sqlinstance> /user <sqluser> /password <sqluserpwd>
Where <sqlhostname\sqlinstance> is the name and instance of the SQL Server housing the InTrust Config database, and where <sqluserpwd> is the new password for the <sqluser> which should be sa in this case.
NOTE: If there are multiple InTrust servers in your Organization, the changes will need to be done on all servers.