To gather a third-party Windows event log that is available in the Applications and Services Logs subtree in
Windows Event Viewer, you need to create a data source for it. This is done either under the Deployment Manager using the wizard for creating and editing collections, or under the InTrust Manager | Configuration | Data Sources.
Proceed to that step, and then do the following:
1. Click Add. The New Data Source dialog box opens.
2. Choose the "Microsoft Windows Events" Data Source option
3. Specify the exact log name desired for the collection
4. In the text box below, specify a display name for the log within InTrust Manager
NOTE: If you don't know the name, look it up in Event Viewer, as follows:
a. Run Event Viewer on a computer where the log is available, and locate the log you need.
b. Right-click on the log and select 'Properties'. The name is in the "Full Name" field.
5. Click OK to save the new data source, and select the check box next to it in the data source list.
6. Complete the wizard and Commit the changes.
NOTE: Any custom Data Source you create this way should also appear in the list of available Data sources when creating or modifying a Collection from the InTrust Deployment Manager console.