The InTrust agent can be manually (or via GPOs) installed by running the ADC_AGENT.xx.x.*.*.msi installation package from the Agent folder on the InTrust installation files on the target computer (name and folder may vary depending on the InTrust package and version). This is the simplest way to install the agent on a Windows machine when automatic deployment from InTrust is not possible due to firewalls or security policies.
If turned on, User Access Control (UAC) may prevent installation package from running properly. To avoid possible problems, the installation package should be run under the local Administrator account (for that, either log on as Administrator, or use the runas command).
If the DVD is unavailable, complete the following steps:
Log on to the target computer using a local administrator account.
Copy all files in the <InTrust_Server_installation_folder>\Server\ADC\Agent\winnt_x86\redist folder on the InTrust server to a local folder on the target computer. The agent will be installed to this folder.
In the command prompt on the target computer, cd to this folder and run the following command:
adcscm.nt_intel -install
To establish a connection between an agent and an InTrust server, you should log on to the computer where the agent is installed using an administrative account (Microsoft Windows computers) or the root account (Unix computers) and run one of the following commands:
adcscm.nt_intel -add ServerName Port [password]
To find out which InTrust server or servers an agent responds to, log on to the computer where the agent is installed using an administrative account (Microsoft Windows computers) or the root account (Unix computers) and run one of the following commands:
adcscm.nt_intel -list