From Content Matrix Release 9.3 onwards, if the user has installed Content Matrix using the “For Current User Only” option, and the user launches application and receives error message as “Unable to the copy application files from C:\ProgramData\Metalogix to C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Metalogix\Common”, and after that error message is closed the application then prompts for license activation.
If the user does not resolve this issue, for non-distributed migration setup previously defined environment settings will be reset to default and they will not be able to automatically use the license key if already present on the machine i.e. license activation needs to be performed again.
This is because, on application launch, Content Matrix automatically tries to copy existing files(if they exist) from global location “C:\ProgramData\Metalogix” to user specific location “C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Metalogix\Common” location, but the user does not have read rights on the global location “C:\ProgramData\Metalogix”.
There are three possible resolutions for this issue:
Resolution 1: If user can get read rights for “C:\ProgramData\Metalogix” folder
1) Close any open instances of Content Matrix Consoles
2) Obtain read rights for “C:\ProgramData\Metalogix” from your administrator
3) Delete “C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Metalogix\Common” folder
4) Re-launch Content Matrix
Resolution 2: If user can get read rights for “C:\ProgramData\Metalogix” folder
1) Close any open instances of Content Matrix Consoles
2) Obtain read rights for “C:\ProgramData\Metalogix” from your administrator
3) Manually copy all files from “C:\ProgramData\Metalogix” to “C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Metalogix\Common”
4) Re-launch Content Matrix
Resolution 3: If user cannot get read rights for “C:\ProgramData\Metalogix” folder
1) Close the “Unable to copy the application files...” error popup or re-launch Content Matrix
2) Content Matrix will ask for license information
3) Enter your license details and activate license
Note: This will reset all Environment settings to default values (only for non-distributed migration setup)
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